Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Moss campion

My most favorite flower!
(more pictures in my wildflower blog)
I didn't know i was going to see and smell it today, and was very happy to do so.
First summer hike into the alpine, well almost... It
is at the tree line, as you see on it's flat top, one clump of spruce trees.
As this is what you see from the highway, I have called it 'nipple' Mountain:)

I will hopefully be on this mountain a few times this summer, as i have been last year. It is the closest way for me to get into the alpine, right from my house. The first 2 km. i ride my bike.
It is by no means an easy hike. Today it took me 6 hours there and back. i have done it faster. Only the first part is marked (by me). I have written about it before, and don't want to repeat myself now. Every part of this hike is wonderful, and too much to the describe all the different sights. I took a slightly different route today. But was caught by Alders. Climbing uphill in Alders, they grab you and snare you.
Ahh but taking on step at the time, i find many treasures among them. It's a land of big boulders, big spruce, vistas and little ponds. First i think i was progressing very slow in this part. The Mountain, when i get a glimpse,kept seeming far ahead, k but then suddenly.
Untangling myself from those alders, i see a rock slide, grey sharp boulders, full of fragrant Ferns growing in between them. And realize i am higher as i thought.
Now it is only a short climb to the top.

Ha! didn't get a better picture, as i take many of the Moss Campion.
But you get the picture, I am high up, where i love to be!

On the way down, i make sure i steer clear from too much alder.
All though going down hill, It just a way of letting myself fall through them. They bend to let me go.
I intercept a lovely spring creek,
It makes pools in the leaves on the forest floor.


gfid said...

i had to come north for some signs of spring, Jozien. it's been snowing here for 2 days.

jozien said...

Oh gfid, Ill send some warm air.
I didn't talk about the weather today, but i sun bathed in the nude, on the top :) It is hot here again.

Sue said...

I am never sure what else to say, except beautiful! I want to go hiking!

christopher said...

The Distance Between Us

To think, you atop
the mountain, in the bright air,
the noon heat, the time
and the space beyond
the weary places I'm found
staring at brick walls,
my breeze coming from
the fan I brought in to move
the stale office air.

jozien said...

C, i imagine feeling the breeze of your fan, i am sitting beside you :) wonderful.