Monday, November 25, 2019

spring log 2016

Spring 2014
first potentilla arenosa blooming April 13

Spring 2016
March 23 2 Hairy Woodpeckers busy
March 24 breaking through ice on  the driveway
March 25 crocus fuzzy head on jozinamaria mountain
March 26 Swans at Kusawa
March 29  Crocus almost blooming, kinnikinnick almost blooming on jm mountain
                 Yard clear of snow
April 1 first crocus blooming
           Mourning Cloaks and Grey or Hoary Commas out ( butterflies)
April 4 douglasia blooming
April 8  my notes are not quite clear but i think it say that driving along the Takhini river toward Kusawa lake
            we saw:
             31 swans
             8 golden eyes
             1 merganser +
             8  other ducks
April 9 same my notes not clear
            we saw:
            49 swans ( 4 juveniles)
            19 ducks ( mainly mallards) +
             3 golden eyes
             2 mergansers
             1 pintail
             1 wigeon
April 13  2 swans on ice at the 911-pond

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

clear cut June 26 2019

What is growing there after two years.

foxtails (Hordeum)
Calamagrostis purpuratus
altai fescue
Alop...   a grass
scorpion weed (Phacelia)
jacob's ladder
Gentialnella procurus
northern bedstraw ( Galium borealis)
blue burr , stickseed
strawberry spinach
siberian aster
cutleaf anemone
poorman's weed
northern jasmin
a mustard
lamb's quarter
sasketoon berry
Astragalis campestris
alpine vetch
labrador lousewort

 i know i missed some grasses, i think an elymus is growing there
i suspect i missed willow
and probably a few more.

I have been clipping the poplars

spring log 2008

april 21 or 26 grouse drumming
april 22 spring call "feebee" from chicadee
april 25 crocusses blooming on highest ridge below the mountain
april 25 snow gone for some small patches
april 25 still crossing moose skull lake on ice
april 25 creek running
may 3 birch sap running
may 4 robin