Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Too much :)

I am so spoiled!!!
The first gift came when i was still feeling sorry for myself.

A flock of Lapland Larkspurs flies right by my window.
One poor thing hits it, but as you see quite alive, and on his way rather fast.

These birds are on their way, to the Arctic or high mountain tops. They stay around all day.

2nd gift: right in the puddle at Kip's (the neighbor) are at least a dozen Northern Shovelers(see photo), a Pintail and those great, Lesser Yellowlegs.

I am just not going far today, still it keeps coming.
As i lay my face on the warm rock to be caressed, if it was the skin of a lover.
I see the moss blooming.

And there is more, this a bryophyte blooming.

Same plant, i will find out tonight all their proper names.

Feeling happier now, i walk down the hill and receive yet another gift.
A yellow rose!

probably a Potentilla nivea
a cinquefoil
from indeed the rose family

And last but not least, thanks for friends lifting me!


christopher said...


RachelW said...

Lapland larkspurs! So that is who they are! They are here in town, huge clouds of them, blotting out the sun...

Anja said...

Wonderful signs of spring

aria said...

great that spring has finally come!
Nice gifts :-) !

Bryan and Vikki said...

Now that is wonderful. Never seen them...the Lapland Larkspurs i mean. Every day brings a new joy.

jozien said...

Yes these Larkspurs, they are amazing, i had not seen them before either. Yesterday there were hunderds of them, swirling around the house, en masse landing, the ground moving with birds. Today they're gone!

Bryan and Vikki said...

Hello Jozien. How are you doing????
Looked up Lapland Larkspurs. The males feed and raise the males and the female looks after the females. Amazing. Thinking of you

jozien said...

And sorry for putting an error out there.
They are Lapland LONGspurs.