Saturday, May 2, 2009

staging area

Ah Tara and i started our 8 am walks again, (well that's what i hope Tara, that many follow)
It is still crisp outside, i think it is slightly below freezing, she thinks it's above. But.... it's the start of a hot day. I tell you, this is better then summer! hotter and less mosquitoes.
We walk down the road, and then up crocus hill.
Among the tall dry grass, there is a nice manicured hilly lawn, dotted with crocusesIt's where the gopher lives.

And we see the first Swallow of the season!

Much later that day, (i have been lounging in the sun)
i bike up to the '911-pond', which is my personal pond(almost). I think it is a small staging area, a place where water birds gather on their migration North.
There is one set of human footprints, so it is slowly discovered by other birders.
Walking up, all sort of spring smells are out and definitely the smell of hot summer in the forest.

The pond is totally gorgeous today, blue water sparkling, white snow, many birds, Mallards, Canada Geese, Buffleheads, Green-winged Teals. And the pond shimmering on the distant shore, because of the heat.

Trumpeter Swans (the same pair?) and Barrow's Goldeneye
Bucephala islandica

Northern Pintail
Anas acuta Linnnaeus

My rubberboots filling with water, cooling my feet, trying to get close to the birds.
Which is always a challenge here.
As i sit typing here the male Robin is calling for his female,from the top of a high Spruce tree, he started last night, and was up as early as 7 this morning.


L. said...

I love the time of year when it gets all warm and summery, but there are no misquitoes yet!!

Beautiful as always, Jozien.

The song birds are quite busy here...lots of singing and flitting about :) I am easily distracted by them:)

christopher said...


It is very kind of you to be our ears and eyes in Mendenhall. You are very like my last love in this, that you know enough to identify what you find clearly and show it to us. Frances too hungered for the wild and was at home in it, knowing who her wild companions were. I am not as well placed there and appreciate a guide.

jozien said...

Thank you, hugs to both of you :)