Sunday, October 26, 2008

A day of Glory

The '911 pond' has been calling me. I thought; why, since the swans have long left. And i knew we might be able to walk on the ice.
Once we where there i knew Why.
We park the van on the highway, and walk through the dark forest. It's like coming out of the tunnel, when we step out in the open. The yellow grass, the pond white and the sky blue. The grass has a dusting of snow on it and we walk on the ice underneath it. The pond ice is solid too, and full of crystals. Jose and i cross it close to the edge. In the midlle is a muskrat house, with open water around it, we stay away from it.
I know where i want to go; to the swans nest. I walk to the spot where i usually saw them. Sure enough - see picture -

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