Monday, April 6, 2009


The forest around has a lot of trembling aspen a poplar.
It comes in very many shapes and sizes.

A day of everything
This is truly our kind of spring,
Lots of daylight. the sun is now up from around 7 am till 9 pm! And it was really out all day, with big fluffy white and grey clouds just moving by it.
Temperature around 3 C (37.4 F),
which means that all that snow is melting. Walking around through slush in the yard.
I do chores outside rather than in,
laundry hanging on the clothes line
Go for short walks here and there,
boulders dripping with water.
Go skidoing through too soft snow.
Almost can do a front flip on the trampoline.
Music loud, outside in the sun, snow pants and t-shirt.
And pull the perfect tarot card, thanks margriet.


Anonymous said...

perfect cart
luky you

christopher said...

Jozien, I am surprised that you can have above freezing days already. It will be a while though before the snow is mostly gone, no?

jozien said...

I started my blog in May last year. I look forward to comparing it all.
Ah, i just see there that i was still skiing in May. I can't believe that:)

Anonymous said...

christoper ??

ik ben het met hem eens