Monday, April 27, 2009

an Anglewing

Hot, hot, hot, today.
I won't say how many degrees, because you would still think it ain't much.
But it is, the snow is melting, and i've been raking the leaves.
On a walk up the hill, i came upon a butterfly eating mud on the road.
It's an Anglewing for sure. A Polygonia. It could be a green comma, grey Comma or a Hoary Comma.If you look closely on the underwing bottom right of the wing (top photo) you see a little white comma, hence the name.

On top of the hill there where some beautiful singers! You think it would be easier to identify a bird, but again i need your help, I'm pretty sure it's a kind of flycatcher.

And on the hill, called crocus-hill, by me and the neighbours, (i think everybody has a crocus-hill in their neighbourhood.)
any way lots of fuzzy heads popping up, i haven't seen it bloom yet.
In this picture, you see the fuzzy heads, with last years leaves.

Our Crocus, possibly Yukoners most beloved flower, is not a true crocus. It's a pulsatilla ludoviciana, a Ranunculaceae, Crowfoot family.
called Prairie-crocus or Pasque-flower.
Most Yukoners call it: Crocus!
the red plant, a Prickly Saxifrage.
I will post it again when i get a photo of a blooming one,
last year i used the crocus as a header on my wildflower blog
see header on my yukon wildflower blog


Sue said...

I'm happy to watch your landscape bloom. It's different from mine in so many ways. The fuzzy heads are lovely, I haven't seen anything like that around here. Are they downy soft, or more prickly?

jozien said...

They're soft Sue! very much.

christopher said...

Thanks for sharing like this Jozien. I am happy to see the butterfly but amazed that a butterfly can take it this cold. Your not-Crocus looks lovely. I am especially fond of young plants. I don't think there is any such thing as a weed when it is only a day or two old.