Monday, October 31, 2022

romantic relationships

 A confession here, i still find i do get mad at my husband too much. Every single day at least once. Just now it was about how he responds. I like to whine here a bit. Tell you how it is all his fault, while i am always trying my best.  I am thinking here now, when i really express my frustration, maybe i can figure it out. me doing here ( luckily mostly to myself , i have no idea if anyone reads my blog. I have been exploring other blogs, leaving comments, but i realize i have to either follow them or sign up for email notification, to actually see if what i comment creates  further communication. To me that is still my aim for blogging again. Back in the days, 2008 was it? A blog community appeared miraculously it never having been my intention. It was this morning that i got an email from an old friend and i realized it was her back in the day who said, Jozien it is ok if you just wander around in the woods for the rest of your life instead of going back to work , but  maybe you can share your adventures through writing, as it was in a time when blogging was hot, a blog turn out perfect for me.

Anyway back to the husband, one thing that bugs me about him, is that he always complains. Like me here now. ( i do  see the joke in this) But honest to God the way he complains, i think he is the champion.

So le me tell you about earlier this morning, right now he is outside, getting set up to shovel snow. Which is for him getting harder and harder. Even getting dressed in all his winter gear i have to help him, because he lost the use of one arm to arthritis. Anyway while he is still here in the house.

Wow this very moment, sitting up straight without crossed legs, I get up to look out of the window that faces the yard. He is shoveling snow with ATV, what a guy! I am very blessed to have him, the hard worker in him.

But back to earlier, he is complaining about shovelling snow, and has done so for a few months now, because well we know winter will be coming. I have always seen this is how he is, he starts complaining about something the minute after he accomplished it. Like he is happy now for two days ( if with the arthritis he can do it) shovelling snow. the 3 day imagine he be all done and all is beautiful to me, no he will start complaining about the next time. He used to work seasonally, when working he would complain about what needed to be done at home, when at home ( he would have 6 months off, being a seasonal worker, the whole six months he would complain about having to go back to work.

So he starts complaining about the ATV being in the back of the shop.

Whaoo! i make the back mistake of saying, maybe we could... He does not let me finish my sentence. You probably know already, i the problem solver, and he just wanting to be heard, like me here.

But i tell you i have tried i have tried on  many occasion for 30 years, to just let him talk, I tell you! it does not work for him. He will dig himself in deeper and deeper, because or so it seems i am not getting it, it is way worse then that and he will keep going  making it worse. When i started timing him in this, it would take him at least an hour before he stopped talking, with the only result that the next day it would be the same, snow will still fall kind of thing. no matter how hard we complain, every winter it does so, and moving to Hawaii is not option, that would be a two hour story of why not. one that i even believe. I do not want to move to Hawaii.

Maybe tomorrow i can tell you a bit of how i do sometimes deal  with it (or not deal with it) in ways that are more harmonious for me.  Not for him I swear he just flipping loves complaining!

But i did not finish this mornings argument. So he interrupted me by saying; No that is not possible ( remember i had not said what my solution was. But then i get snotty. Because now he is talking about all the possibilities  that are not possible, he wants to explain why not. And here i won't let him, i start raising my voice, stop stop, if you do not want a solution please lett's not talk about.

etc etc you get the drift at the end i walk away to fold laundry and he call me to help him get dressed.

All is well in the world of romantic relationships.

I hope yours too!

I know harmony is possible for many, i do see examples of it in family and friends.


1 comment:

MFH said...

Comfort him...maybe with fellatio.
If you're not inclined maybe get him a "toy" that would do it while you hold him.

Have you tried? Obviously, offering solutions doesn't help.