Saturday, June 14, 2008


Of course the snow last week is long forgotten. And it turns out to have been a blessing. It's a windy , sunny day. Everything is greener yet and my garden is already a sea of colors. It seems everything benefited. Many birds are tending to their young. Although I see few nests. Even the Robins around haven't revealed their nest to me yet. I do know where the flickers are. After Mary showed me that her Flickers have babies. I realize mine have too. They are just not as noisy as the Hairy Woodpecker kids. Mary also told me how she seen the bird fly away with a piece of shell. Today I watched, as I was laying in the sun, the Tree Swallow, who's nest is under our eaves, just throw out something. Right under the nest there are pieces of white shell.
One notable event in Mary's neck of the woods (in town). She showed me two Rusty Blackbirds, seemingly tending to a nest. There is a story to that, but you have to ask Mary.

The butterflies didn't freeze either and today I've seen many of the previous ones.
Any day, especially in the morning, I've always liked to just walk around aimlessly and just look at things; how things grow, what's new, etc. I guess it's like window-shopping, then in Nature. The mystery bird that's been calling for a month now, is a Western Wood Pewee. He/she or more then one, just sits on a sticking out branch from a poplar, say 3 metres of the ground, in similar locations everyday,and sing their heart out; "pewee pewee pewee"

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