Sunday, November 15, 2020

I hope every story is a love story

 What I do know for sure is that... I, in my head now, am going from the idea of stories per day, to the story of every moment. So yes, I would like to say that every moment has a story, and everyone of those stories is a book.

I have heard people say that their head is so full of thoughts. So I assume many of us can relate, when I meditate, 20 minutes this morning, many thoughts, but I was able to not follow them and so to speak not let the story run  my mind. 

As a writer (maybe even if you do not write, you can still relate I think) For me there is being lost in thinking, not really aware, and opposite to that, as a 'writer' I am aware of thinking and let them run to pick which one I want to write down, or sometimes just type them like now as they come out.

haha what a miraculous feeling, to have the fingers be in sync with the mind.

How glorious!

But what I also love is that how in a single thought there is a knowing the whole story, without having to think it in thoughts.

If I for example think; "Mary", I can stop at that thought, and know the whole story, a  whole book, about Mary, that I have fabricated in my mind. It might or might not have  little to do with the real Mary. My story about her  might also be quite different depending on the day.

Today for me, hers is a love story; A most beautiful very special woman who was for 50+ years, in a most beautiful very loving relationship  with Gerry. When I think of Gerry, I see his smile, the twinkle in his eyes.

And a love story, I think, never really does end.

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