Thursday, November 19, 2020

gossip or just crazy stuff

 Its Corrie here again, in these crazy covid  days, she listens to the radio a lot,  mostly to comment on the crazy covid rules, crazy according to her, one sided she will say, which is interesting because she  herself lives a very solidary. Social distancing, because she is not well loved and has no one to keep distance from in the first place. Anyway she listen to the radio, it is about the guy who brought his mother here from California, and now he cannot understand  the problem with that, Dave Black treats him very respectfully. Which according to Corrie makes it all quite hilarious: thinking, while everybody in the country is living with travel restriction, this man cant understand why he cant bring his ailing mother here and  on top of that expects yukon health care to just puts its big and caring arms around her and him!  Now he asks  the public, how can he be expected to just bring her back in a day notice...Corrie talks  more to the radio then to Philip,  a no brainer pal. 

Then there is a knock on the door, it is Marion, the next door neighbour ( 2km) with an equally hilarious story. Marion wonders why her, plumber, is upset with her. Well asks Corrie why is he upset with you. what did you do. Well I just asked him to give me a free estimate for some work needing to be done,... on she goes , she told him in the same sentence she is not going to hire him for the work  because she already found an other plumber but she does need two estimates.

Corrie explains...ehhh i think i would  somewhat mad, if asked by a client  to do some work ( writing up an estimate is work yes) for free. No, no, Marion goes, you do not get it, I do that all the time and everyone always has been ok with that. Philip tries to get a word in too but to no avail Marion has done many favors to others after all  and as soon as she steps out of the door Corrie and Philip burst out laughing, and take joy in repeating, playing out, the whole story.

 After Philip and Corrie calm down, Corrie gets out the the astrology charts, there must something in the stars, some retrograde planet, because this now is the 3th time today.

 Earlier that day Corrie  had gotten a phone call from a shady friend, lets call him John. John had had  a brush with the law recently, but  now wanted to inform Corrie, what a friendly policeman was handling the case. And!  John said, as Corrie knew someone else who was also active in the same illegal activity. Said John: You should go to your friend and tell him to go take himself in, to that friendly policeman, and the police man if your friend  is honest about it like me, will give him some slack too!

Whoopy ding life is just too good to be true!

And if you noticed, Corrie has more friends then she realizes, enough of them at least to keep a little distance.

1 comment:

matina said...

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