Thursday, December 8, 2022

another not so good moment

 First, just now, i found two wonderful blogs. And they actually let me comment something and easy enough to add them to my reading list. All this not always so easy somehow.

What i do want to write about here, something i find truely  difficult. Something quite different and more real maybe?

A few days ago i watched the movie Sand Storm, a movie about women not being respected. It is too easy to give solutions; to say  for example, our government has to do more, or  we have to educate these men  teach them to  see women as their equals. Probably a solution has to come from every angle, little steps at the time.

I tried to think of what is difficult in my life, and were a solution seems easy, but is not.  I could not think of anything, other then that a solution always starts with me.

So last night i was presented with a problem. And slept a fitful night.

Blessed! I always have to say, blessed to have such problem, because it means i am able bodied and capable, free to do walk in the dark etc many blessing in order to have such problem.

It is about the neighbour's dog. 

The dog is getting more and more agressive.  The dog is not always charging out when I walk by, but last night it did again, and verociously so. 

I have talked to my neighbour, the owner of the dog, before. Is it time for a more definitieve talk i wonder? I do not want to do that, because i do not want to spoil our good neighbourly ways.

Is there still something i can do? many people have given all sort of advice; no, i do not want to use bear spray on the dog. A loud whistle did not help ( it aggravated the dog more, maybe i did not have the right whistle?)  Another suggestion, befriend the dog. No, i do not want to be friends with the dog (he would come to me more frequent and wanting to be with me)..... ah! maybe that is the answer after all.

 I will let the neighbour know,  that i will bring dog bisicuits and if it turns out, that the dog is now following me, i fear, even coming to my home, that is a consequence the neighbour will have to deal with. I feel a sliver of hope again. Last night i was thinking, is my neighbourhood ruled by this dog ( read, dog owner) and is it weird that i walk  (or bike) and am i forced to drive when going past the neighbour.

I have to say my neighbourhood is a dog lovers neighbourhood, but most people do take care of their dogs admirably. Is it the one bad apple i am dealing with here? 

Lived here 25 plus years, first time event.

I think of these women, the comparison..... I don't know


MFH said...

Our neighbor let his dogs out every evening at 10pm. At 10:30 rhey would bark to be let in but he wouldn't hear them. I would call and ask him to let them in so we could sleep. After four months I called the City to file a complaint. From that time forward he did everything he could to "get even."

One shot of bear spray should do the trick. After all, it's that kind of behavior in a bear you're trying to stop.

jozien said...

Either way it seems like either putting up with it or loosing a good neighbour. (the bear spray hurts the dog, besides it being very unfair to the dog, it would outrage the neighbour)
And I do beleive that is what these women are up too, they either obey, or much worse then me, they loose everything. (sometimes their lives)
My husband and I are off for our walk now, which means passing by the neighbours property,fingers crossed. I will keep you updated.

Eileen T said...

I think the neighbour's dog would scare me. Is it a big dog? I'm not a doggie person so I don't have any advice for you, just some sympathy that you are forced to deal with an unpleasant situation.

jozien said...

Thanks Eileen, Yes, he is a big dog, also very intimidating. I will write another post on it soon.