Sunday, January 9, 2011

no story tonight

Nov 22 2010, there is a story that goes with these pictures, in the third picture you see the little road we camped at for a few nights, in the fourth you see what we ate But the story that goes with it, i send it to an editor, who i recently met. He never read anything of mine, so my hopes are not high, but he wanted a story that has never appeared anywhere..

And I got a beautiful other job offer this week, i have worked for the man before and proved to be able to do the job well, but i was initially hired, only for the look of my long legs.

And then this week, someone wanted to buy a photo of mine, they seen here, but i am unable to send them the high resolution original, because i do not have it anymore.

So all i can say, live is often startling and slippery like a snake and when it doesn't bite you, it actually might taste okay.


Anja said...

Rien zegt: "ik heb liever paling"
I'd rather eat eel.

Brian said...

Hey wild lady, cool painting in the side column .Its good that your in demand at the moment .Long may it continue:)

jozien said...

Paling... nou dat is een tijd geleden, Rien hoe heette die sloot bij onze vijf margen? Ik kan mij herinneren dat wij paling aten uit die sloot.
Brian, Thanks for liking my painting, i did it in an hour or two, the idea and the whole thing.
I guess there is power in that fluidity.

klaproos said...

jeetje jozien
wat een avontuur,
ennee, hoe smaakte de slang, en wat voor een was het, en wist je dat hij niet giftig was??

wat eeb vragen... en tot slot, durfde je hem dood te maken??
ik denk dat ik het allemaal niet zou kunnen...

prachtige trip met bijzonder uitzichten


Rien said...

Dat heet het Schee.

jozien said...

Het Shee, ha! thank you Rien.
Klaproos all the answers hopefully will be in 'What's up Yukon' so I'll keep my fingers crossed that i get published, and otherwise i will post the story her after that date. :)