Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mourning Cloak

yesterday was a gorgeous day. In the morning I sat on my bench in the morning sun, having berry breakfast, talking on the phone for a long time. Amazingly on a day like this butterflies appear out of nowhere. This Mourning cloak looked fresh and new, it probably recently emerged. This one too will over winter, it is the first butterfly in the Spring. In my notes often April 16 and 17. Well let me write it down here exactly; 1998 April 16, 1999 April 16 ,2000 April 21, 2005 April 22. For missing years I might not have written it down , but also very likely I didn't see them that year in early Spring. According to 'The Butterflies of Canada' book, it comes out of hibernation in April, has a brood flying in June/July and a second brood in August. I am so glad I saw it and will look for it in April , wondering where it will be all winter sleeping. My other reference book ' Butterflies of Alberta' by John Acorn. Tells me in England they call it 'Camberwell Beauty' I like that! But I will stick to its Canadian name, which to me sounds like; morning cloak. And yesterday that is when I saw it on a beautiful morning, when the day is was cloaked in silence. ( I do not claim to be a poet, but forgive me for trying).
Beside the Mourning Cloak I saw two more butterflies, a Sulphur and a Comma.

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