I feel quite frazzled as it is too. But am though like raspberry bushes and roses.
So i imagine the roses and berries to be quite content too having been grazed over by the Elk.
I have so much on the go lately, that i do feel happy but quite overwhelmed.
I did get published as a writer, but am waiting for my editor to say if i can make a link here. He first want you to be able to pick up a copy of the magazine before you read it here.
The magazine is What's up Yukon. It was amazing yesterday when i was skiing on mnt. Sima, how many people read the magazine, and had recognized m being in there.
So know i enjoy this bit of fame, i better keep writing and let the Elk do there thing.
And a little update on the feral horses, luckily the government didn't catch them all. I had a conversation Friday with a horsewoman. And she know too that the feral horses are better of in the wild, than they are being kept in a coral with all the water and food that the owner can give them. She even believes that the rate of survival is very high when they live in the wild.
And i know for a fact that they look healthier than the neighbour's horses.
Let us all roam free!