Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Happy New Year

  Ha my resolution! I want to try again, making a blogpost ever few days. Connecting with people in order to bring joy, meaning,whatever we desire (as a blogger here said)

Desire to make the world better maybe? For all to be in balance?

So this is how my morning started.  Listening to the radio; what comes with the new year is that on the radio they always seem to be somewhat positive. I loved  a conversation about:

Resolution practices!  

So she said; not a time for time out, but a time for time in. She said something like :When someone is hurt, who is hurt? what can the causer do to elevate that hurt. Healing Circles.

I will try to practice today, too often i still get mad at my spouse. I will let you know.

Something else i am going to do today is some simple art. I already made some glue this morning. (white flour and water, boiled to a paste). left over from christmas i saw a bunch of paper, beautiful pinks and orange and gold. I found the color scheme so striking, i  decided i will make something with it.

Also i have a date to go swimming, yes still in the river, now farther up stream, as the river is freezing.

What a blessed 2024 already. to feel inspiration like that.

How is your 2024 going? Anything, the good the bad, just what is.

As that is where we are. And that is a glorious thing.

Kusawa Lake. I did not build this structure, but some one did, what fun!


Hollis said...

Happy new year jozien! I'm trying to be less busy, more relaxed. After 2 days it is indeed helpful :) We'll see how long I last.

Swimming in the River ?! wow!!
best wishes, Hollis

Bless said...

Happy New Year! So far, the new year has been filled with good things. I'm preparing for a religious event to be held in my home, tomorrow (Wednesday), so, I've been busy picking up groceries and cooking, today

jozien said...

less busy, or busy. All wonderful! Thank you two for responding here.

Live and Learn said...

Happy New Year! I, too, hope to do more posting in 2024. I look forward to seeing what you will be making with your colorful papers.

jozien said...

I would post it, if i could, somehow i can't upload photos anymore from my camera, always something:)

MFH said...

I too am eager to see what you made. How about a resolution to loosen those tight-fisted Dutch fingers and get a new computer?...not for you, but for us, so we can see.