Thursday, January 11, 2024

Goodmorning 40 below!

 I always feel energized with the cold.  And this time in addition to the normal euphoria, i secretly think 2024 is trying to set the record straight on the warming up of the planet, 2023  was an exceptionally warm year, we'll see. It is a new moon, and it is being said, 'what comes with the moon goes with the moon.'

The first 10 days of January were, i will say, average. We had some beautifully cold days lately. beautifully in my book being around -20 C/-25C. I have some lovely walks those day, the snow cover still being such that i can tramp around in the woods. I am always slow to move onto my snowshoes or skis.

 Monday it was rather dark  and people were talking about this, the cloud cover yes, but in this instance the hoarfrost, make it quite dark. An interesting gloom, i have to say. In summer the forest can be black with the trees in full leave. I like winter because without leaves the fores is much lighter and much more open. Not so with the hoarfrost, Again quite beautiful but one looks into a wall of white, and no light gets through., hence the gloom.

And i got kind  of lost in a  slice of pizza  shaped piece of woods north of here. the wedge shape is made by trails, so not by the end of the forest. In the middle of this pizza  piece,(say 50 acres)  there is  a lovely ridge, where i did get to see a light spot in the clouds, which indicated the sun was trying. When i came  close to the point of the pizza slice, i though i take a short cut to , to reach the trail on the northside,  With the snow on the ground an on the branches, this bushwhacking is not the easiest, and with no sun to guide me, i felt i was walking in circles. Unlike Winnie  the Pooh i did not come upon my own tracks, but say half an hour in  just when i was going to make a real attempt to walk in a straight line, i came out by the  crust on the west

  I had taken the longest root possible to reach a trail.

Wednesday's walk was adorned with blue sky, so less of a risk to get lost. Beside all being glorious with the hoarfrost and all, I happen to flush out two grouse ( i made photos but whatever my computer might be on the blink it does not let me upload photos). I felt sorry for the grouse,  they had been hunkering down underneath the snow. I could see their track entering a little hole in the snow, a foot further now a bigger hole with wingmarkings on the snow, where they had flown out of.  I stayed very quiet because now they were sitting all fluffed up from the cold in near by trees. I was able to back out to not disturb them any further.

Blessed  beyond I feel for all the beauty.

I link it to my resolution to be kinder.

And i know my husband wants me, we will do another game of trinomino.

Life is good. and yes i will throw a log in the woodstove!


Live and Learn said...

Sounds like a lovely walk in the woods. While I love the bright colors of spring and summer, I, too, like the grays and browns of winter when the trees are without leaves. It lets the shape of the tree shine.

Hollis said...

Do you burn white spruce? Is it good firewood?

jozien said...

Yes it is very good firewood out here. As i have only two choices, the other one being Aspen. I like to sneak in some aspen, i like the smell and it's availablility. White Spruce though has more btu's and creates less ash compared to aspen.

MFH said...

Lovely description. Thank you.