It is always such a scramble in my mind, that list i started making of ideas for posts here, i am not even looking for it. anyway, This morning I was pointed out again by life, how my husband is much more observant. It always makes me realize that is why I am big into meditation, wishing i had such life skills.
So what happened; Tuesday we got water from the creek, 5, 5 gallon blue jugs. In winter we put them inside ( it is still winter here) Yesterday i put on my boots which stand beside the water jugs and the laces were soaking wet. All i think ; oh snow much have been carried in on the bottom of the jug a melted. Which really seems unlikely, they were soaking wet these laces... This morning my husband is looking at the floor, we have black outdoor carpet in this indoor porch area, he says. Is the carpet wet? I right away being my usual self, of being annoyed by him always pointing out problems, that in my eyes are often not there.
Some 3 gallons of water had leaked onto the floor! I moped it up as good as i could and put newspapers down. We do not have forced heat, so it might take a bit of time to dry it out good.
To me it does tie into something else i have been wanting to write about. How hard it is to be your better self? I do have one example and like to share it here, not because i am so good, but more that there is hope even for me.
What also came up today, my dental hygienist cancelled on me, and the next available slot is in June! Now i was just doing an experiment in looking after my teeth better. and where my hygienist recommends for my teeth to be cleaned every 4 months, i just happen to try out 8 months and brushing better. those 8 months are now 10. scary stuff, on i brush
This is my method; I brush only once a day ( i know), in the evening. I brush with those tablets , i brush with a bamboo brush . I brush into my gums, on a angle you know what i mean? I go over it all, All surfaces, 3 times at least. brush down a bit and extra in the gaps. I floss, regular floss at the moment, but i like the silk floss, it seems to take more stuff out (plaque and food remains) . I will reuse my floss for a few days, because i do not have gingivitis. If i found a lot of food that way i will brush again. Then! only by asking the hygenist! i am using a syringe , to push water under my receded gums. I do not need an electric water pic. ( I asked her for an alternative, as i do not use much electricity)
The government recently increased our dental coverage, that is all good i suppose, but i feel taking care of my teeth is first and foremost my own responsibility.
How come i only had my wake up call at age 47? At 47 i started taking care of my own teeth very seriously, afer a wake-up call in the form of terribly receded gums. I never did the treatment but started caring for my teeth and with good results i have to say, Now 25 years later, my gums have somewhat grow back, and i maybe had two or three cavities over the years. As i never brushed till age 13, my teeth are not poster perfect, but hey i am 63 now, and i still have 25 teeth, 3 or 4 are crowns. Some teeth have not much left to them, but i can bite and chew very well.
After brushing i only have water and a chunk of fatty cheese, before sleep.
Maybe i brush again now, after lunch... 2 extra months... wish me luck, or better yet tell me what worked for you.