Ha! I feel i do need to get into a positive spin again.
I am feeling good again. Winter weather is pleasant, Friends and famly, and solitairy at times, enjoying the outdoors. The house is warm and we drink the best water in the world straight from the creek. And yes we are well fed. a daily amount coming from the forest in which my house stands, oh yeah and wildlife everyday walking by here.
ahhh many blessings
But yes even on me that covid gnaws.
The lightness of life seem to be gone.
As i answer to anyone who asks, oh yes i am great, ( just getting older:) but there is something overlaying that, like as if the world is not well. But it is!
Honestly i mean it, we are doing great. We are not dying by the 6 million, history is full of stories like that. This is NOT those times, this is good times!
I hope you do not even see my/this fog, I hope that your sky is clear. I ask you then, what is your way? Your way to have that feeling of infinite possibility for all?
That feeling that i do have, now, when i look up, am present and see a ray of sunlight lightning up the snow.
oh you might wonder, but for me climate change does not gnaw, my life is so far removed from that, i live as close to nature as i can, so all i see is nature and it is doing beautifully.
How is covid different i wonder now?