Sunday, July 9, 2017

an eaglet in the aerie

Seemingly one eaglet, but we don't know, not much activity today.
A few weeks ago, (we go look once a week) we did see an eaglet poop, that was pretty cool; it lifted up it's bum and shot a white stream ( of poop) over the edge of the nest.
Maybe one more week for it/them to start thinking of leaving the nest.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

incredible eagles

"Oh dear" today we made it out to look at our family of bald eagles again; we only saw one adult sitting on the nest, motionless the whole time we were watching 10 minutes. It seemed if the nest was smaller, as if the bottom had fallen off. I feared that all eaglets had fallen out and the lone parent was grieving. Don said, "no she/he is just sitting on them" as it was raining a bit, "to protect them."  I was all sad though, i couldn't imagine those big eaglets all underneath her/him.
an hour later on our way back, i went to check again.
I saw two adults, and! at least one eaglet.
Now looking at the photos from last week too, it is actually obvious that a whole addition was build onto the nest. The shape of the nest not as round but more rectangle, which had give ( for me) the impression that it was smaller, but in fact it was twice as big.
