Tuesday, November 8, 2022

what irks me most

 Is this push for electricity,  with total disregard that we could be getting by with less.

And i always an advocate of;  to do get by with less will give us more quality of life. 

What got me going this morning is the 315 million dollars needed  for Atlin's power project. I am not getting into this project, but as i know it is highly controversial as it is.

haha this morning they said, our power rate could go up by 50 %.  

And i know...

oh dear

right now right here in my low electricity household, i look around and switch of 3 lights that do not need to be on.

The computer  is on...

Maybe we can all scream together, how hard it is to use less.

Here now i will open my mind, maybe there are other ways? maybe the way the media seems to suggest is ok too?  I so stuck on less is better and  on the media they seem to say,  change to better things.

Any ideas?

hmmm still using less can't be bad. Yesterday, the choice to walk to a neighbour 3km or 4km away, instead of  taking the car. That choice at first seems hard,  somehow the wanting to be there instantly.  Now here ( Yukon) to take the car is an event, in 30C below zero weather, you have to prepare. So to me it is easier in the end to walk, even if it will take longer. 

Sunday i still used my bicycle on a similar distance, but the going on snow in minus 20 C was so slow, i rather walk.

The walking, when i can let go of the distance to cover, always exhilarating! as the route was mostly in the shade, which i do not like, it was wonderful to see the sunshiny hills and mountains to the north

Sunday thtat is what i biked towards, doing a walk with other neighbours to one of those sunny hill sides.

Hey last night! i saw the lunar eclipse, did you? Here somewhat hazy , a small red disk in the darkness.


Sabine said...

It's now 15 years since we installed the first photovoltaic panels on our roof. A friend had returned from east Africa where he had installed simple PV in far flung villages and showed us how the semi-nomadic people put small panels on the backs of their cattle to charge their phones.
At the time, my daughter worked in SE Asia and used a small PV panel on her backpack to charge her phone and her laptop.
It was such an easy and overdue step. And the moment when you realise that the sun literally rises every day, unless you live close to the Artic, and that the sun shines also from behind clouds and that it does this absolutely free, you want to kick yourself for not doing it sooner.
We have a small house, the roof is plastered with PV, last year we installed a battery (looks like a small fridge) to store the surplus energy we generate almost every day. That way, we have solar power after dark.

jozien said...

That is awesome, thanks