Thursday, November 3, 2022

little changes

 And those changes sometimes become good habits.

And this is really why i am blogging again. For me  to solidify and keep working on new habits. And to encourage others i guess.

To me, if  i keep living the way i do,  something will have to go. If that is nature, carbon, suffering, etc.

These are all topics i could write about in more detail. But i trust that you all know what i mean,  on why it is a good thing to change some of our ways.

And from experience i love  how certain little changes are not even surrounded in awareness anymore, like most of us i hope just do turn of the tap, will switch of the light after going to the bathroom. hah these are the easy ones. i wish i would learn to not react to my husband complaining, I still need a lot of awareness to make that happen, and even in awareness there is a strong urge to react in a negative way.

I do believe we all do our very best. 

 And i realize here that i maybe haven't applied, what i was going to say next.

I think to change, one  has to change it  into something. Most preferable something that one really desires. 

And not only looking at the end results. Like obviously i often do know why i want to change something. 

Lets take eat less meat. I am of the believe, like many out there i think, that to eat greens is better for  me and for the planet.

But for me to eat less meat, i try to make interesting meals, meals that are actually more delicious, colorful, filling.  So that i look forward/enjoy this vegetarian meal.

Now i do spend a lot of time with wild foods, i tell you it is a lot of work, at the moment  In my  sunroom is a dish of unsorted spruce nuts. The sorting spruce nuts is timely.

But even  then that i focus on the fun of this task, i enjoy to sit quietly in the sun. I like doing it!

Hey a habit of mine is; using the outhouse in the early morning, the first visit so to speak. I love it i love it. It always brings joy to my heart. And this morning as i looked up to a tree that needs to go (to close to the house) saying goodbye to it,  Maybe this an example of somethings are not easy, but must.

Anyway i looked up and saw the biggest brightest falling star ever.  an explosion of light, just a short streak, but the streak flaring in a broad line.

I wish you a falling star in your night sky!


Dale said...

Thank you!

Yes, it's all about the habits.

Hollis said...

Wow ... a falling star, congratulations! Winter is challenging here with"short" days. Ha ha! Yukon winter days would be tough for me.

jozien said...

Thank you Dale and Hollis!
Hollis is see now your names is Hollis, i actually knew that from the wild flowers and all.

MFH said...

No habits for me. Every moment is new.

MFH said...

Northern Europeans, myself included, are renowned for their appreciation of defecation. See: Life is Like A Chicken Coop Ladder by Alan Dundes

MFH said...

Without the spruce nuts you'd have nothing to do. Before enlightenment wash dishes, scrub flroors...etc.