Sunday, November 13, 2022

8 billion people

I don't know if anyone made all the calculations. On like what our footprint is, and  what it would have to be, if life on earth is sustainable in the long run, with all 8 billion having the same opportunities in life. (I do know i am a dreamer.)

Yesterday checking if  i was hypersensitive, a good test was readily available on the Internet, and it confirmed what i already know.  But it is always good to do a reality check once in a while.

A few weeks ago when i looked for a test that measures my footprint. I could not find much.

Why not i wonder?

Shouldn't it be easy to make such test?

I am going to try here a bit making such test, maybe i come upon obvious difficulties with such test. Because i do already it is not easy, Like i always wonder; I living the way i do,  would it be sustainable if all people live like that. With two people I live on 20 acres. In a small community (100 people?)  The closest bigger community, 70 km away.  (which to me is the most troublesome aspect of my personal footprint)

The calculation for 10 acres per person for 8 billion should be easy. But then again is that relevant? Like here in Canada most (adults) have the choice to live that remote, most choose not to. (I guess because it does come with certain conditions, one has to be willing to submit to). So i would love to see a calculation, that says: yes, Jozien you are doing fine, just make sure you do not drive to town more then once a month.

Anyway let me try starting  making a test:

How much money do you spend every month? 

How much of that is for your basic survival?

And how much is extra?

And there you go; money! I think when i score hypersensitive, someone is behind that test to help me, and to make money of that.

When i lower my footprint by spending less money,  no one is making more.

How do we  figure that one out?


MFH said...

Our footprint is climate change, melting ice-caps, rising ocean levels, drastic weather differences, species extinction (loss of habitat).

MFH said...

But YOU, who are completely different from the other 7 billion, 999 million, 999 thousand, 999 hundred and 999 and who only has one child, are totally pure.

A guy in the grocery store told me he was 74 and had 12 children, 22 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He looked so happy I didn't have heart to ask if any of them thought about over-population.

jozien said...
