Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The flowers were fragrant

-The flowers were fragrant, tender and inviting. He ate them.-

This is a sentence out of Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey

This morning  I am writing with the Cramped Hand Writing Group, this is our prompt.

ha, of course right up my alley.   On this blog today, I was wanting to write about, how we got were we are  now on planet earth,

How we got into this mess one could say, but also How did we got to this incredible easy life, this abundance, all basic  material needs met.

 Here now: My husband here now says: "there is fog right down to the ground." He stepped outside for a bit and is inside again. We are planning to go to town after my writing session, but as our life is endlessly comfortable, we do not have too. We can wait for the weather to improve.

And such was the life for the cave dweller of days long gone, i am sure. Lots of waiting for the weather to improve, time unlimited.  And when the weather and the seasons were right, A person  could/would come upon a wildflower, and decide to eat it or not.  Nowadays,  most things I eat (even for me) most foods have taken quite the journey. Very little i eat was growing right in front of my feet.

I do think about how it all came to be? That inherit  in the human being is that we want it easier. And maybe not knowing how easy we have it, was always a thing? Nowadays I do not want to have to wait till  I come upon a flower that I can eat. I can get it straight out of the fridge. 

And how i was thinking this morning  about it all started off living in a cave , the fog today  would have been creeping into the cave, everything soggy wet  inside my cover and frozen ice the outside of my cover. (The temperature today around freezing)

So yes I got were I am now, nice warm house, hot breakfast, coffee. I am very thankful to all that came before me,  Everybody all my ancestors that made it so that all my basic needs and more are met as i speak.  

My big thing is, that i feel we have come  to the pinnacle of making sure that we have all we need. We have come to that point long time ago. I think the problem is, As a society in general we did not know how to turn off the always bettering ourselves. Which to me is long past due. It seems, society, or many of us are still reaching to make it better.

I do not live in a cave anymore, i want to shout out, look at me I have everything I need.

When do I start smelling the flowers!?


MFH said...

Here's a list of countries by Quality of Life. I was surprised to see the U.S.A. at 19. Last time I looked we were at 25. It makes me wonder what we're missing....better healthcare, time off from work, better educated people (free University?), more public transit, better food, more money spent on the arts than the military, fewer homicides, fewer drunk drivers, fewer abortions, more sex and less violence in the movies and media, fewer homeless?

MFH said...

Here's the list...


jozien said...

Yes, such lists are interesting, thanks, i did look at. But does it include, who provides all that wealth? What do you think of my post today? I question if is it a good thing or a bad thing if we move up the scale?

MFH said...

Yours is a question that goes back, most strongly perhaps, to Karl Marx. Hundreds of books, podcasts and now youtube videos debate the question.

Here is a link to Waris Dirie and her take on it. She makes her point starting at 3:15 or 3:20.

