Wednesday, November 2, 2022

trespassing on skates

 Now over a week ago, winter descended on us, with frost and snow. Which means the first ice on small lakes and ponds is not the best. Snow falls while the water freezes. Monday i was able to walk on what i call Kip's pond. The mud was  not quite frozen, and the ice underneath  10cm of snow, was smooth but had a film of water on it, I assume the snow insolates the ice from the cold, which is not that cold yet, somewhere around -10 C. But yesterday i took my skates, and  at first feeling unsteady, i had a wonderful skate.

But as Kip is no more, bless his heart, the pond has new owners and they did put up a no trespassing sign.  They do not live there and do not visit very often, but i have talked to them  a few times over the years. I informed them that we sometimes cross their property on our walks, if that is ok. As long as we do not hunt was the response. 

Trespassing is a bit of a thing here, Do you or don't you? Depending on the situation i sometimes do, yes even when there is a sign,  I do tend to ask  eventually when i know the people. ha! or not, like other neighbours who put a sign on the cutline.  I do not go on their property but will walk on their cutline.I have never asked if a cutline is public space or not. 

Here in the Yukon, there is no law at crossing someone's property.  So i find it is a bit of a respect thing. And when the people live on the property i will rarely trespass. 

But when they do not live there, i tell myself, wink wink, that it is a good thing i sometimes cross there property, btw, always only on foot. It i a good thing, because i will contact the owner if something is a miss.

And i will clean up garbage. I do not care if it has owners or not, Mother nature deserves to be kept clean of garbage. 

and with garbage i do not mean, one person's garbage is another one's treasure. With garbage i mean, cans, plastic bag blowing around, cigarette buds etc.

1 comment:

MFH said...

People down here take tresspassing seriously. One risks encountering extreme anger and the possible risk of physical injury.

What is a cutline?