Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Keeping our own responsibility

 Yes, yes, it is probably a good thing when our governments protect us. 

For sure i am very gratefull to live in such safety.

But like i have said before, maybe we  have gone overboard. More regulations. Were we already have laws.

A friend of mine, who has her own business, send me just such new regulation and asked me what i think.

There is nothing wrong with the new rule. As a matter of fact in all those 30 years she has her business, the event that the regulation is about has fortunuatly never yet occured. 

And when it would, which it could, i know her well enough she would take the right action.

And you might know  me by now, i do  also think of the negative consequence of every regulation, one more tree  has to be cut down for the paper work. even when on the computer. I do not think it is one tree  even. But for sure it is added to everyone's work load, and maybe just an hour . 

To me another hour wasted.

This regulation is about harrasment in the workplace. I am trying to think.

Do we not already know that harrasment is not accebtable!?

And is it not our responsibility if we find ourselve being involved as  bystander, victim or perpetrator , we need to act upon it?


Monday, November 28, 2022


 Nature always provides great methaphors, for life in general, for me. Like the hiking might be hard, long whatever, but the rewards, even in that moment of exhaustion, always incredible. And so when i find myself in a rough spot in life, i just stand still for a moment and... smell the roses so to speak. An idiom like this, reminds me, that thing about nature; being a good methaphor, was/is always known.

So the other day, I was not so much lost, but had completely turned around, and ended up  south-west of the house instead of  south-east.

Right outside of my house is  an aproxx. 300 acres of forest, bordered by the neigbourhood (east), highway (south), firesmart (west) and powerline (north). So all these borders give it quite a bit of security to not ever get lost for long.

So when coming out on the firesmart corridor, we laughed heartily.  And looped back over a beautiful ridge along the highway to come out were we intended to go. We did run into Elk several times, they like that ridge above the highway.

Yesterday, i went in there with the compass again. And came upon our own tracks,  one set of Lynx tracks, and lots of Elk tracks towards the end close to the ridge.

 After 25 years, how blessed I am to still have a forest close-by to get lost in.

And how does that translate into real life?

Friday, November 25, 2022

Keeper of wild places

I am sure i have photographed these willows before, they are always very photogenic with hoar frost.

They are on the beach trail (ancient lake champagne beach).

I walked up here a few days ago, it takes me half an hour to walk to this spot, no people had been there since it snowed,  in those 25+ years i live here, not many  human neighbours do go there, it is a bit out of the way, just beyond the more travelled trails.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


  My father was a gambler (stock market) and my mother was a spender.  Of course they were both beautiful people with many more attributes. Also  we  as a family never experienced a lack of any material kind. Yes i hated hand me downs, but didn't we all? And somehow  now all six kids seem to be good with finances. Meaning we know our incomes and know what we can spend. Maybe that is what our parents taught us by example, to not spend more then you can afford. For sure there is also a bit of luck and  a lot of good fortune.

What i am getting at is, that  to be financially ok, a big part is you have to live within your means. yes?

please do tell if you disagree. All good.

But gently, i am trying to get my other point clear. Hoping you will be with me on that one too. Not that is an answer to all the worlds trouble, but maybe a helpful insight.

The one about the shortage of labor some of us are experiences.

 As a society if we agree that a 40 hour work week  is what we find acceptable. ( I personally would say less) but like with an income, i think we all can agree, if your income is $20.000  a  year you have to  live accordingly, if your rent is suddenly  is $2000 a month, that is not going to work. Something has to change.

Back to the 40 hours of work a week. Take a 2000 people, of which 1000 can work. 40.000 hours of work per week.   That is all the hours we have! So by saying we need more nurses, more teachers, more houses, what ever more, when collectively we just do not have the work force to fill  all those positions.

That is what i am trying to say these days.  We have to come up with different solutions when it comes to a shortage of workers.

Do you get what i am saying? I still do not know if i make it clear.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

The joy of eating healthy

 it is hard! Of course there are direct and indirect joys; the taste, the preparing, etc and indirect; mother nature's joy and my health. etc 

But i still find it hard.  I do think the Internet does do a good job of pointing out what is proven to be healthy. 

What i like to follow is the  1/2 vegies/fruit, 1/4 grains, 1/4 protein rich foods. the poster we see everywhere. Also the 20/80 rule sounds good to me, like 2 cups of coffee, 8 cups of water.  I consider coffee not healthy and water healthy.

Also i eat a minimum of store bought meats, processed foods and no added sugar in general. oh and a minimum of alcoholic beverages. which all  for me would fall in the 20%. Opposed to healthy foods in the 80%

And as you know i love eating wild foods, daily. They go into the 80% even if not proven ..anything, like many mushrooms that i pick.

I have come a long way, and the joy of it is that i do not miss  sugar for example.

But this morning i tried to make breakfast according to the poster  which for me does not contain  protein rich foods, which to me is ok, because i will catch up later that day. I snack a lot on nuts.

Yesterday we cut down on the grains a lot, after i realized my breakfast often is half grains.  as the grain and protein part is easily filled, i added a big glass of orange juice. and halved the amount of oats.

hmmm ten minutes later i was eating a  slice of bread, whole wheat  and all yes, but still i need those oats, or so it seems. I saw my husband take a big chunk of cheese shortly after. So that did not work.

Is there people out there who do manage to  eat half of the food consumed per day being fruit and vegetables? Maybe you who live in southern climates and have banana trees growing wild in the yard? ( Do banana trees grow wild i wonder now, or is it a typical manmade food like corn.)

So that does make me wonder about living in the north, which  is an point often made here, that we need our wild meat.

Blessed, we did receive some from a neighbour recently. Thank you!

Saturday, November 19, 2022

How many people are working for you?

 That is another thing, which would be clearly seen, if we had a tool to calculate it.

But i realize  now i do not even want such tool. It  really is a bit of common sense to imagine that with my lifestyle , a lot of people are working for me.

This idea first came to my attention reading Helena Norberg's work, many years ago.

Now i see it this way; in a perfect society we all share the load, or rather we would all love what we do, and somehow everybody is taken care of. (a self sufficient community, I know they exist)) When we think of a simple society, someone would harvest, someone would cook, built, etc. It would  maybe come out that for a community of say 80 all the work would be shared by say 40 ( kids and elders etc excluded).

I think in our currant society, that is totally out of whack, we have way more people working for us then we actually have, hence the need for foreign workers, coming from countries where they do not even have the amenities, that they will be now employed for for us.

When looking at it, i always find it horrible, worse then slavery, we do not even  care if the person who is the cashier at superstore has housing. Well i think we care, or at least  i do care, but did i ask? would i give him my couch? Housing a problem here in our very wealthy city of Whitehorse.

But the number, lets think about the number.  It is  impossible to sustain if the number of people working for me 40 hours a week extend 1 . One already to many. You know what i mean right? So the cashier works for me, let say 2 minutes, the week before 5 minutes! If we add up all those minutes... inclusive the miner, who had to mine the basic minerals and all to get a product in the store.

And of course this hooks into the land we use for our benefit, i might live on 20 acres, but my parcel is far greater then that, I have to include the ground that has to be mined for my benefit, roads, farms, factories, offices. on and on and on.

Not to make you too pessimistic, i love to hear what you do to minimize your slave driving? Everything counts. I mean it. I think all the little bits help, it is to me where we have to start. The only place we can start.

I will turn this thing off, right now, that is my start (the contradiction of it all).

Friday, November 18, 2022

wildside lake

 The new header; photo taken November17 2022. Takhini river, along the Kusawa road.

In the sunlight you see the hill Jane and I walked over, behind it is Wildside lake, see post October 21 2022

When you see my header, is the photo too big for your screen? I can maybe try to change it if it is bothersome for the viewer.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Yukon Refillery

 It had only been 9 days. Nice that my blog keeps track of me, If there is one thing i like a bout being on the Internet, it tracks me :). I like to say that  I go to town once every ten days, not true. I even did drive in with a friend just a few days ago to go to the hot springs.

But i can try.

This time the main reason to go town was picking up some chairs, probably 50 year old chairs, no idea, but they are sturdy. A friend is moving away, and we bought her chairs. I have been  on the look out for chairs many years.  I was almost going to design the sunroom to be chairless. instead of having to warn people before they sit down, to be very gentle on the wobbly chair.

I picked up my new glasses, all paid for by Pharmacare. (We are spoiled here in the Yukon)

My husband and I did have a bowl of wonton soup; the business owner saying 2020 was a super hard year, but it is better now. There were no other customers. I am not much for tips, but we left a good tip. What do you do?

We did groceries, and yes I am  happy to say (if you read  my 9 days ago post) that we were able to check out with the same cashier. He was happy that this time all our reused bags had no old barcodes.

And! for our last stop, I carried glass jars in my purse. As i have no cellphone, and at home i had forgotten to look up the address. I figured the new Yukon Refillery would be in the Horwoods Mall,  I went in from the doors on first ave. And yes there it was! Lovely lovely, I was able to get unscented liquid laundry soap, unscented dish soap, a new bamboo toothbrush, that has tops that can be replaced. And thank  you Sabine ( blogger) I asked about toothpaste; and was able to fill one of my jars with ...pills. I use half a pill at the time, last night 1 whole one felt too much.

Also due to what Sabine wrote on her blog, i informed them that for me it is important if when they find a good product if they can stick with the same brand if  possible.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The flowers were fragrant

-The flowers were fragrant, tender and inviting. He ate them.-

This is a sentence out of Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey

This morning  I am writing with the Cramped Hand Writing Group, this is our prompt.

ha, of course right up my alley.   On this blog today, I was wanting to write about, how we got were we are  now on planet earth,

How we got into this mess one could say, but also How did we got to this incredible easy life, this abundance, all basic  material needs met.

 Here now: My husband here now says: "there is fog right down to the ground." He stepped outside for a bit and is inside again. We are planning to go to town after my writing session, but as our life is endlessly comfortable, we do not have too. We can wait for the weather to improve.

And such was the life for the cave dweller of days long gone, i am sure. Lots of waiting for the weather to improve, time unlimited.  And when the weather and the seasons were right, A person  could/would come upon a wildflower, and decide to eat it or not.  Nowadays,  most things I eat (even for me) most foods have taken quite the journey. Very little i eat was growing right in front of my feet.

I do think about how it all came to be? That inherit  in the human being is that we want it easier. And maybe not knowing how easy we have it, was always a thing? Nowadays I do not want to have to wait till  I come upon a flower that I can eat. I can get it straight out of the fridge. 

And how i was thinking this morning  about it all started off living in a cave , the fog today  would have been creeping into the cave, everything soggy wet  inside my cover and frozen ice the outside of my cover. (The temperature today around freezing)

So yes I got were I am now, nice warm house, hot breakfast, coffee. I am very thankful to all that came before me,  Everybody all my ancestors that made it so that all my basic needs and more are met as i speak.  

My big thing is, that i feel we have come  to the pinnacle of making sure that we have all we need. We have come to that point long time ago. I think the problem is, As a society in general we did not know how to turn off the always bettering ourselves. Which to me is long past due. It seems, society, or many of us are still reaching to make it better.

I do not live in a cave anymore, i want to shout out, look at me I have everything I need.

When do I start smelling the flowers!?

Sunday, November 13, 2022

8 billion people

I don't know if anyone made all the calculations. On like what our footprint is, and  what it would have to be, if life on earth is sustainable in the long run, with all 8 billion having the same opportunities in life. (I do know i am a dreamer.)

Yesterday checking if  i was hypersensitive, a good test was readily available on the Internet, and it confirmed what i already know.  But it is always good to do a reality check once in a while.

A few weeks ago when i looked for a test that measures my footprint. I could not find much.

Why not i wonder?

Shouldn't it be easy to make such test?

I am going to try here a bit making such test, maybe i come upon obvious difficulties with such test. Because i do already it is not easy, Like i always wonder; I living the way i do,  would it be sustainable if all people live like that. With two people I live on 20 acres. In a small community (100 people?)  The closest bigger community, 70 km away.  (which to me is the most troublesome aspect of my personal footprint)

The calculation for 10 acres per person for 8 billion should be easy. But then again is that relevant? Like here in Canada most (adults) have the choice to live that remote, most choose not to. (I guess because it does come with certain conditions, one has to be willing to submit to). So i would love to see a calculation, that says: yes, Jozien you are doing fine, just make sure you do not drive to town more then once a month.

Anyway let me try starting  making a test:

How much money do you spend every month? 

How much of that is for your basic survival?

And how much is extra?

And there you go; money! I think when i score hypersensitive, someone is behind that test to help me, and to make money of that.

When i lower my footprint by spending less money,  no one is making more.

How do we  figure that one out?

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Finding my own voice

 Hopefully never too old for that.

This morning i first checked my inaturalist account. One could say that for years now that is really my main focus, identifying life, and as keeper of wild places,  life in the wild.

I am very excited about a new face on inaturalist yesterday and he was there today again. Someone who is obviously somewhat of an expert on Locoweed.  The fact that i am not on inaturalist right now, is partly because my task to figure out what he says about locoweed, yes we are all a little crazy out there, is huge.

And this morning in bed i did want to talk about, ones own voice, to speak out against all odds.

Like my new 'friend" on inaturalist, he is probably ruffling a few feathers, with his new information.

Yesterday i was in a social setting, meaning with people, doing a social thing. in a somewhat  of an indoor setting, where there is lots of room for talk. I am trying to figure out if that has anything to do with me being somewhat ignorant yesterday.

So yesterday i do realize I was only marginal aware.  As always for me in social settings, i find it hard to keep my awareness as i feel it now, to keep that when i am with others. I had a strong urge to speak my own mind, which i worry about, because it often contradicts what others say. Oh dear. Why can't i just experience things with out calling it  right or wrong, good or bad or anything, why do i have to name it.

Well i do know the answer to that, i find people in general do not have much critical thinking, and to me critical thinking is important. Do not ask me why  because people who go with the flow are probably much happier. And a big question, who am i to say that they do not have critical, actually the two friends i was with, i regard their wisdom highly! I do.

and so i go on and on getting myself into a knot.

I did have lucid dreams last night. Which i like a lot, and does not happen often.

hmmm i love to think these two lovely ladies i was with yesterday elevated my consciousness.

You now i think they did, they were hopefully not offended at all by my behavior, but realized how i struggle in social settings.

I am not making excuses!

I will figure it out, as i  also will honor all locoweeds by addressing them with their proper name.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

New routes

 I fell in love again, with exploring  the wilderness close to home, stepping out of the door, and exploring a new part of the forest.  It happened over the last 3 days. Sunday: realizing again how easy bushwhacking is this time of year. ( frozen ground and no leaves on the trees) Monday: not liking a shaded route i took to visit a neighbour. Tuesday: finding a new route, a piece forest i actually never in those 30 years i live here, explored much.

I know i am very very blessed to live this way.

But it was a choice, yes?

That is always the trick question; do we have free choice, even when i am aware? or not ? I believe it is both, somehow not fit for my rational mind to understand.

Yesterday i spoke to someone, who  strongly believes that the body he was born with, is just that, that is why he has health problems now, ignoring all kind of healthy choices. When it come to other things he is quite smug that he made the right choices. What i need to learn in such instance is just  to listen; like ok, that is your reality....

To my husband when he complains i will say; that is wonderful.

Which is kind of cynical, i know that.

Any suggestions to be  a better listener  are welcome, it is my big struggle, if i have one. 

The beautiful moon out now, makes everything quite easy.

When i ste

On the radio, talking about research that people who get the flu shot every year ( i never did) have less rik of a stroke and hart disease, considerably so.  Now i am always keen to learn how to live healthier, so i listen. I find the end result, according to the speaker, NOT so subtle. The speaker does not even talk about this subtlety. It just goes on how the difference is not really the shot, but it is weather you get flus or not.

So the result of the study it sounds like could as easy have been, if you regularly get the flu your risks are greater.

I have had  the flu twice in my life. And now after the covid scare, i have been so diligent i haven't really gotten a good cold in the last years. 

smugness runs in the family i guess...oops when did i make that choice to be that way?

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

what irks me most

 Is this push for electricity,  with total disregard that we could be getting by with less.

And i always an advocate of;  to do get by with less will give us more quality of life. 

What got me going this morning is the 315 million dollars needed  for Atlin's power project. I am not getting into this project, but as i know it is highly controversial as it is.

haha this morning they said, our power rate could go up by 50 %.  

And i know...

oh dear

right now right here in my low electricity household, i look around and switch of 3 lights that do not need to be on.

The computer  is on...

Maybe we can all scream together, how hard it is to use less.

Here now i will open my mind, maybe there are other ways? maybe the way the media seems to suggest is ok too?  I so stuck on less is better and  on the media they seem to say,  change to better things.

Any ideas?

hmmm still using less can't be bad. Yesterday, the choice to walk to a neighbour 3km or 4km away, instead of  taking the car. That choice at first seems hard,  somehow the wanting to be there instantly.  Now here ( Yukon) to take the car is an event, in 30C below zero weather, you have to prepare. So to me it is easier in the end to walk, even if it will take longer. 

Sunday i still used my bicycle on a similar distance, but the going on snow in minus 20 C was so slow, i rather walk.

The walking, when i can let go of the distance to cover, always exhilarating! as the route was mostly in the shade, which i do not like, it was wonderful to see the sunshiny hills and mountains to the north

Sunday thtat is what i biked towards, doing a walk with other neighbours to one of those sunny hill sides.

Hey last night! i saw the lunar eclipse, did you? Here somewhat hazy , a small red disk in the darkness.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

A grocery store experience

 Yes i do still go to the grocery store.  I love to hear if some people have no need for it anymore.

Many people in Whitehorse must use grocery stores, because we have many.

My husband and i  mostly only use   the superstore, which is not very well liked in general. We go to Save on Foods, only for bulk organic oats. and we go to Super A for Yukon  milk and manna bread.

We like the superstore best :) whatever there is to like.

A few weeks ago i had the loveliest cashier, he, personally acknowledged all his clients, waved them goodbye even.  last week i forgot to look for him, but saw him from a few isles over, doing his thing, the people around him smiling.

My husband and i ended up with a new guy.  quite lovely too, but my husband noticed he was taking the plastic bags of the vegetables turning them inside out and looking for the barcode.

What is going on you think, I should have told you and him, that we reuse bread bags.  i turn them inside out so the barcode of the bread is hidden. Not good enough ofcourse... 

It takes him a while to understand me, he keeps wanting to apologize for the strange bag.

So as we are giving all our vegetables back, which were scanned as bread. 

in the end i clearly say: I did it! it is me who put them in these bags, i reused old bags.

he says: why  (on earth) would you do that? he did not say on earth, but i am stressing his surprise.

I hope for most these days it is obvious why we would reuse plastic bags.

In Whitehorse at the check out, plastic grocery bags are banned, and so will be paper bags January 2023. People are using their own grocery bags. And it is wonderful to see that the great majority of people now do come in with their own grocery bags.

Now lets work on the rest of plastic, i do have a few cloth bags already, which will out live any plastic bag.

Which plastic are you eliminating from your life.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

spruce cambium pancakes

  How much time is spend trying things out? I think people with computer skills they must be masters at it. I try a bit  most days, to figure out blogging again. I am slowly getting there.  I do feel i am forever trying things out, learning, but part of the reason is that i am very forgetful, sometimes i happened to read my own writing, and wonder; did i know that? that is awesome. Sometimes i will remember that i did figure something out in the past, but sometimes not

So often when i write, i have to check it out first, as in not to tell you any lies.

I have been collecting spruce cambium for a few years now.

This morning i made Spruce Cambium pancakes. I thought it was a thing, but now here researching it, I cannot find much  on the Internet that i can find, neither in my wild food books.

But this was my recipe, kind of, this morning

for two people

2 eggs, old milk,  1 part flour, 1 part cambium flour,  wild berries.

the pancakes did not hold together very good, the taste a bit strong, but with wild blackcurrant jam. it tasted very good.

When i say wild, i mean i gathered it here in the wild, not a bag of wild blueberries from the grocery store.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Happiness is

 getting two comments on yesterday's post.


hmmm so what to write about today? For me at the moment that question means, which one idea out of many ideas i choose for today, and try to stay on topic, not to put them all together in these few paragraphs per day.

I choose to go with Holly's comment.

Holly, and many others before you, I do have to contradict to you here about our short days in the Yukon. I believe i have written publicly about this before, but that for sure is years ago, as i have not been writing really for years.

So here one more time, and hopefully with a different twist. The twist, as to have some continuation in my writing these days as a whole,  how we can change happily.

yes, this morning i cannot see my 'new' view (3 trees gone) till somewhere around 9 am. In the evening it gets dark somewhere around 7 pm ( yes i know, the way they set time in the Yukon is absurd, we are two hours of  from midday at noon, i think our midday is at two pm) but i am happy to not have a time change anymore. 

I see that Wyoming is indeed far south from me here, but it is populated quite similar as the Yukon. So i assume many people do live rural as i do. And i assume that there are many neighbourhoods like mine that are sparsely lighted, or maybe not at all.

On wednesday evening  i go to yoga, in the neighbourhood! which is amazing in it's own. I bike or walk over, which is about 7 months out of the year in the dark. But i tell you it is not that dark, most of the time.

Last wednesday the moon was out. (And there is a bit of, be careful to do as i do, my choices not always safe for everybody.) As it is a half hour bike ride up hill going home, i was past by two cars, which i feel due to the bright moonlight i did not notice right away, and had to make a dash for the ditch.  Having grown up in Holland, bike riding comes natural. and for me there is no problem making a dash like that.

I do wear some reflective material, but no light. And nothing to do with  light, i also do not have fat tires! In town i would say a light is essential, but fat tires NO! that to me is a fad, sorry) But here i feel i see more when having no light.

Even when there is no moon, the snow is super reflective, Biking, i easily see the sides of the road when riding, as dark lines. 

 And to read a lovelier account of being in the so called dark, which is not dark at all, is the book 'the outermost house' the writer speaks most wonderful about being out at night.

Anyway when waking up this morning in the dark, i was meditating the joy of the sun. the gift everyday of light.

So i do get it when people fear our lack of sunlight in winter. But like two comments give me  happiness , maybe you all  have to get  at least 3 to  feel you did an okay job. ( glee again, the loveliness of it all, how it is not really in the numbers or the amounts)

I am happy with white snow, when the sun is not up. And very happy when in December it will be up for a mere 3 hours, the joy of it!


Thursday, November 3, 2022

little changes

 And those changes sometimes become good habits.

And this is really why i am blogging again. For me  to solidify and keep working on new habits. And to encourage others i guess.

To me, if  i keep living the way i do,  something will have to go. If that is nature, carbon, suffering, etc.

These are all topics i could write about in more detail. But i trust that you all know what i mean,  on why it is a good thing to change some of our ways.

And from experience i love  how certain little changes are not even surrounded in awareness anymore, like most of us i hope just do turn of the tap, will switch of the light after going to the bathroom. hah these are the easy ones. i wish i would learn to not react to my husband complaining, I still need a lot of awareness to make that happen, and even in awareness there is a strong urge to react in a negative way.

I do believe we all do our very best. 

 And i realize here that i maybe haven't applied, what i was going to say next.

I think to change, one  has to change it  into something. Most preferable something that one really desires. 

And not only looking at the end results. Like obviously i often do know why i want to change something. 

Lets take eat less meat. I am of the believe, like many out there i think, that to eat greens is better for  me and for the planet.

But for me to eat less meat, i try to make interesting meals, meals that are actually more delicious, colorful, filling.  So that i look forward/enjoy this vegetarian meal.

Now i do spend a lot of time with wild foods, i tell you it is a lot of work, at the moment  In my  sunroom is a dish of unsorted spruce nuts. The sorting spruce nuts is timely.

But even  then that i focus on the fun of this task, i enjoy to sit quietly in the sun. I like doing it!

Hey a habit of mine is; using the outhouse in the early morning, the first visit so to speak. I love it i love it. It always brings joy to my heart. And this morning as i looked up to a tree that needs to go (to close to the house) saying goodbye to it,  Maybe this an example of somethings are not easy, but must.

Anyway i looked up and saw the biggest brightest falling star ever.  an explosion of light, just a short streak, but the streak flaring in a broad line.

I wish you a falling star in your night sky!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

trespassing on skates

 Now over a week ago, winter descended on us, with frost and snow. Which means the first ice on small lakes and ponds is not the best. Snow falls while the water freezes. Monday i was able to walk on what i call Kip's pond. The mud was  not quite frozen, and the ice underneath  10cm of snow, was smooth but had a film of water on it, I assume the snow insolates the ice from the cold, which is not that cold yet, somewhere around -10 C. But yesterday i took my skates, and  at first feeling unsteady, i had a wonderful skate.

But as Kip is no more, bless his heart, the pond has new owners and they did put up a no trespassing sign.  They do not live there and do not visit very often, but i have talked to them  a few times over the years. I informed them that we sometimes cross their property on our walks, if that is ok. As long as we do not hunt was the response. 

Trespassing is a bit of a thing here, Do you or don't you? Depending on the situation i sometimes do, yes even when there is a sign,  I do tend to ask  eventually when i know the people. ha! or not, like other neighbours who put a sign on the cutline.  I do not go on their property but will walk on their cutline.I have never asked if a cutline is public space or not. 

Here in the Yukon, there is no law at crossing someone's property.  So i find it is a bit of a respect thing. And when the people live on the property i will rarely trespass. 

But when they do not live there, i tell myself, wink wink, that it is a good thing i sometimes cross there property, btw, always only on foot. It i a good thing, because i will contact the owner if something is a miss.

And i will clean up garbage. I do not care if it has owners or not, Mother nature deserves to be kept clean of garbage. 

and with garbage i do not mean, one person's garbage is another one's treasure. With garbage i mean, cans, plastic bag blowing around, cigarette buds etc.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

How does blogging work?

 This morning i spend some time reading blogs, and trying to follow the ones i liked. First it was quite difficult to find active blogs. But once i started finding them,  one i liked i could not even comment, others i could not find  how to follow them. And what i have not looked at is how i get notification on my email when someone leaves a comment on my blog. That is possible right?

Updates on  my recent whinings;

 That what i want to get out of my system is a lot of whining. How funny, the joke as often being on me.

The deer are have been daily visitors, they have not eaten the raspberries yet, but they seem to enjoy the abundant roses, other berry bushes and a lot of dried fireweed.

I have not been bothered with more ghost commenters, hurray!

Still writing mostly for my self, somewhere on a blog i read a beautiful phrase about that. It comforts me that there are more writers like me; sitting there in the dark typing away  sending it out into the world.....