Sunday, January 15, 2023

masonhalea richardsonii

 Not knowing kind of what to write about, to many ideas floating around in my head . One of them nagging  for a long time, that i want to write about is  the war in  Ukraine.  But i will not. I will not go into it. 

and on cue

"hey Don  what ever you want!" i  scream at  my husband, as i am bothered by something he snarls at me. It does seem i am often at war in my own house.

 Earlier, 10 minutes ago,  he was coughing a lot, and i gave him some Masonhalea  richardsonii, Arctic tumble weed, to chew on. And took some myself too.

 He wanted to know what are the medicinal benefits. Everyone i hang out with otherwise knows of this gorgeous little lichen that we find on top of our mountains,  in the alpine.  We, my hiker connections, know that it is good for a sore throat, it is native american knowledge around here. And as i am chewing it right now i have come to like its flavor, when not taking it too often.

We frigging all know! And i am not upset at my husband  now for not knowing, he does not hike, he is my walking buddy . But i am upset at  the fact that when i google it, it crosses out masonhalea richardsonii and gives me links to  anti biotics.  Like what is wrong with the media and the Internet ( i have no tv, i am spared that one.)

And that is why i try not to listen to the war on Ukraine, to me it is outrages that this war is still going on. 

humbly but so is my war with my husband. flaring up too often for my liking. 

For our walk i will not instigate or react. That should be possible, Out in nature, he and i, we are at our best. I do not want to say for today, that is too big of chunk for me to bite off.

I will let you know, and please when you catch us in the act, do not encourage us

How would you help us, when you see us bicker?

What works for you to stir a difficult relationship towards more harmony?

and for the masonhalea, i will take another bit, because i often cough when coming into the cold air, also wondering if it is the dust in my house though that is hard on my throat, or the  woodsmoke, or my husband a smoker (outside luckily but still) . The masonhale will be good.


I coughed twice on the hour walk,  lightly. so for sure not more then usual.  

And! we were all lovingly good, and when we talked to the birds (probably redpolls), they sweeped passed us, if to say hi.

I will extend  my resolution, because already back inside, two things have been said... to which i shut up myself, and did not react to his. I will extend for lunchtime.


Bless said...

I'm sorry you and your husband are bickering. I don't know why but often, we tend to be more impatient and short tempered with people who are closest to us, family members and loved ones who share our lives and homes with us. We tend to be more polite and patient with others. Which doesn't seem right. Shouldn't we be more accommodating and polite with those who are closest to us?

jozien said...

Thank you both, and yes more polite to my husband, i would have never used that word, i like it, imagining him to be the prime minister, and if necessary, i would be very thoughtful how to state my point.
And Eileen, thank goodness for people like you, i look up to that, and know it is possible.

MFH said...

Is Don still drinking?

Usually couples who are experiencing your difficulties either get counseling or a divorce. After so many years of being together the resentments can accumulate to the point where they cannot be dissipated through counseling. Thus, many people choose to divorce or, possibly, live separately.

You have said money is not a concern for you. Is that due to Don's pension? Do you have enough money of your own to be comfortable if you divorced?