Sunday, January 29, 2023


Sunday today. The only thing really planned is facetime on messenger with my son and his girlfriend. haha and i will keep it that, but just wanting to say  that more then ever, if possible, i am very proud of my son. And I do miss my mom in that way, because  really only with her i could share talking about my son, her grandson for hours.

I find that keen interest i have in him quite interesting.  Has my life become smaller, and my interest in my children become bigger?

Anyway my husband is pulling at me, right now here. That has become a big thing too.  One that is far away (son) and the other one as close by as can be 24/7 ( husband).

Anyway related to this, this week i had numerous interesting conversations. Happy ones not so happy ones. Am i happy, i was asked?  Having gone through depression many years ago, i can say i am not depressed for sure, and that is a beautiful feeling seen in that light.  But happy,  I would say content.  And i do feel that is enough for now. More then enough really when i put it that way.

One lady i ran into this week, someone i had not seen for many years. She looked very happy. It was one of those fun encounters. I said, my you look so good, how old are you now? 81! she said laughing. We met at the gas station filling up.  and did hold up the traffic there a bit, sorry about that, but everyone one was good about it, after we were made aware and moved on, lots of smiles and waves.

And i do want to say,   covid did come up ( it has been a while, not so much  a topic anymore). She is not vaccinated either!  I do find it always amazing how many of my acquaintances are not vaccinated against covid.  What is that all about, maybe the people i know are not as random as i might think?  Because i do think i am quite random that way, not affiliated with religion or politics or work. My interest connect me with a broad range of people.. i hope.

In another conversation  this week  again covid came up. This friend had not wanting to converse with me, for a while during those years.  And i was surprised at my self how it is still a difficult subject when opinions ( she calls them facts) are opposite. I was not able to just let her say her thing, i kept saying, please stop, please do not. 

But glory glory we parted laughing heartily how we had overcome the initial  covid bumb in the road, and had talked for an hour after as best of friends, which we are.

Feeling blessed with so many loved ones in my life.

and that one here,  he waited patiently for me, what a gem!



Eileen T said...

Is it possible to be happy all the time? I'd describe myself as being very content on a daily basis, but experiencing brief periods of happiness. xx

jozien said...

Yes! and for me this morning i have to say i am
happy with the fresh snow, seeing all the tracks of the little critters again

Art said...

The anti vax people take that position because they really don't understand science or care to make the effort to gain knowledge.

jozien said...

interesting observation Art. Thanks for stopping by!

Diana Studer said...

I am happy that today we both got our booster vaccinations.

We have waited since September for my immune compromised husband. Now they have finally opened up the next round, when I was due again anyway.

Bless said...

Sounds like you had quite a few meetings with friends and some interesting conversations. :)