Sunday, February 20, 2022


 Where my fifties  had seemed to be about celebration of life, joy, freedom, exploring, the best years ever.

My sixties more subdued,  more about health.

 Just this week, trough some wondering wanderings, i realized i had have weak ankles forever. It was just something i excepted as a fact. My heavy duty hiking boots, with the best ankle support  possible have been my most prized possesion for some 25 years.

Two years ago i was made aware that i can do excercises to strenghten my ankles.

 It took two years to actually start doing those excercises in earnest.

I will let you know the results.

But i have good hopes it will positive.

 It is not that such thing has never happened to me before. At age 47, due to extensive ginginvities, and frugality ( i was not going to pay, thousand of dollars for gum transplants). I learned to clean my teeth properly. I have maybe had one cavity since and i lost a tooth recently. Before 47; I was convinced i had bad teeth, that was just that. born with it. Bad genes.  Not so, my teeth maybe not the most gorgeous smile, but the dentist says i actually have more teeth then most my age and my gum health is excellent.

And i have  more examples like this. Where i finally realized i have ... what would you call it? more freedom as i ever thought.

I love you to share your experience like that.

Wondering if it just me.  Or

My son calls it accountability. Our society less and less encourages acountability. Is it something like that?

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