Sunday, February 27, 2022

Not enough people

Oops i should say; too many people.

 What i am looking for is a genius mathematician.  But they probably are all busy crunching mumbers.

 So we have more people on the planet then ever, but  what i am hearing  these days  that there is a shortage of workers.

What i wonder is can we put a formula to see where the problem is.  Is it  people in their sixties like my self that suddenly  retired early? maybe. Is it that young people do not want to work anymore and stay in school longer? maybe. 

 Or is it mostly that we have created a society, where we have more needs then  that we have people that can fullfill those needs?

And one such need is  the buraucracy, i  am off a generation that always complained about buraucracy, but as i can see we only have more now.

And with buraucracy i kind of mean,  let say we have a nurse, we think of nurses to care for our sick, but nowadays a nurse, spends a lot of time on other things like writing reports. And lets take the hospital, it needs a whole army of other employers besides nurses. Only little amount of time is actually used on physically caring for the patient.

So there is that, but then there is also that when i get sick i expect this army to stand up for me. How would i feel  if...haha you can think of your own horrible example of lack when you end up in the hospital.

When i go to the groccery store i expect ...

when i..  etc etc

I think when a genius mathematician can crunch these numbers, it will turn out that i cannot have  all that i have now, it is physically just not possible, we do not have enough people.

How to end slavery?  Is still, maybe now more then ever, the question.

I love to hear your thoughts, corrections!

 or adding where you see that it just doesn't add up.

Sunday, February 20, 2022


 Where my fifties  had seemed to be about celebration of life, joy, freedom, exploring, the best years ever.

My sixties more subdued,  more about health.

 Just this week, trough some wondering wanderings, i realized i had have weak ankles forever. It was just something i excepted as a fact. My heavy duty hiking boots, with the best ankle support  possible have been my most prized possesion for some 25 years.

Two years ago i was made aware that i can do excercises to strenghten my ankles.

 It took two years to actually start doing those excercises in earnest.

I will let you know the results.

But i have good hopes it will positive.

 It is not that such thing has never happened to me before. At age 47, due to extensive ginginvities, and frugality ( i was not going to pay, thousand of dollars for gum transplants). I learned to clean my teeth properly. I have maybe had one cavity since and i lost a tooth recently. Before 47; I was convinced i had bad teeth, that was just that. born with it. Bad genes.  Not so, my teeth maybe not the most gorgeous smile, but the dentist says i actually have more teeth then most my age and my gum health is excellent.

And i have  more examples like this. Where i finally realized i have ... what would you call it? more freedom as i ever thought.

I love you to share your experience like that.

Wondering if it just me.  Or

My son calls it accountability. Our society less and less encourages acountability. Is it something like that?

Thursday, February 10, 2022

ints'i nits'i

 pronounciation: int,see nit,see

ints'i nits'i, it is windy

It doesn't quite feel like the blustering wind that is happening here right now, i have to  look/ask around for a better phrase.

Friday, February 4, 2022


 When is enough enough?

Or maybe rather, when do i just accept what is?

 Today i experienced a bit of vertigo again, i did the Eply Manouver, it seems to work.

This summer, i stood underneath a falling boulder, I stepped aside and it brushed past me.

For a while now  what i have been thinking about; is there virtue in prolonging life for the elderly.

It is a very scarry topic, i for sure cannot talk about others.

But may I , here, can i, talk about myself. myself on the verge of what i call elderly.

I am 61, when i google it, decline has already set in. Which does not mean anything really.

I could still have 30 years of  a meaningful life, and  even when not meaningful. What is wrong with just celebrating being alive?

Let me cut to the chase; for me i like to wrap my head around the fact to not go through extreme measures.

 Maybe i am just talking about my lifestyle. which has not included much medical intervention. I sprained a few ankles and such. And  now i appearantly am prone to having vertigo. 

I take no medication, and in my life i probably had a handful of antibiotica cures, as a kid my mom gave us pills for worms, but that is it. I am proud of that. If i have something i try to work it with looking at the emotional causes,  at lifestyle causes.  I do meditation, i take herbs that i pick myself, and did take ginger to battle the nausea that came with my vertigo. As i got very sick when i first tried the Epley manouver, i took 1 gravol pill when i tried it myself next time.

So sure  I can keep going that route. I hope i can that is

When climbing and that boulder above me let loose, i felt a great sense of wanting to be alive.

When i was sick with vertigo, really i did not get how people live through that, i wanted to die ( not in a suicidal way) but more like i needed all that i could muster to breath through it. and i did.

So taking one gravol pill, am i destined for that path, just one more pill, one more procedure. I hope not 

I do find it scary to say it here, i am totally blessed with family and friends, many loved ones that are still here.

So yes that is a thing for me too, i pray daily that Don will stay with me for a long time to come. That moment i do not want it to ever appear.

How strange, how strange, this thing called alive. And when dead has taken one in, there is no turning back. I have always seen that. When there is life, there is always a choice.

So yes i choose for now to just stay on my path,  take that one gravol, when things are tough, step aside when  something comes thundering towards me.

But please help to not go down a route of more and more crutches.

Writing this, i am writing this, just wanting to know if there is people who think the same, i think many of us, my age and older, will think no let me not become like my mom... But how do we do that?

I s there some support group for me, that says, he when the day comes  that i am too dependent for others or pills then my liking, can i softly breath in and out one more time.

Is that possible to plan to go peacefully when that day comes?

Does that day ever come?

Can I grow in awareness?

I am anxious to hear your thoughts? don't be shy, as a friend said to me recently. Thank you for that friend !

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Yäw Níkhyäw

 hi hi!, less cold today here but 

Yow nee cow yow. 

I actually have no idea how to pronouce that, is it yow as in cow?

is nee like nay or like knee? I go for nay (and yow as in cow) correct me if i am wrong.

and yesterday it was cold , che cha kway ku

When stepping outside i will practice these two snetences. and for now i am not trying to learn how to write it, just speaking to the woods and the very occasional passerby, probably a Grey Jay. The Grey Jays seem to be mating and so are the foxes!

It’s snowingYäw NíkhyäwYow-nee-khe-yow

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Chįch’a kwäk’ü

pronounciation: Che, cha, kway, ku

It is cold outside, in Southern Touchone

Loving it!