Saturday, October 16, 2010

dream it and there it is

And now as i sit inside, the sun did come out!

Earlier this morning i was reading about sexual fantasies.
After i went for a walk.
With the breeze it is a little colder than i expected, but still not as cold as it could be this time of year. There has been snow but little frost. Moose skull lake, see second picture, not totally frozen, or is it? Is that what was open yesterday frozen today.
And here!I met a flock of at least two dozen migratory birds twittering in the top of the trees. The chickadees part of their group following me, they will stay. I think it is late for the migratory songbirds to be still here. According to the literature they're supposed to have left in September.

As i am cold, i return after reaching the lake. I think about what my favorite fantasy is, and i conclude it's the one where i by total surprise run into someone(a man)that i know and like, etc. i won't go into details. But the surprise of the encounter, most exciting, the joy of meeting a dear friend when i did not expect it.
And.... as i crest the hill! a commotion down below, the Elk! a dozen of them with at least one big male. They take of as one and stop where they feel they are concealed by the trees. I walk back up the hill and try if i can run into them if i go around. (i am warm now:) Down below i twice see an animal below in the trees, they are faster as i am. When i go down i see single tracks scattered through the woods. At one point i hear one taking off with the sound of breaking branches. They know where i am. Coming home i see that they came from very close to the house. My footprints trampled by their's, i search a while if i can locate where they were bedded down. I must have woken them when i initially walked by. But i cannot find their beds.
But see what happens if you fantasize.


Brian said...

Hey wild one
I go around in a dream a lot of the time. I find that it works for me too .
Take care, wild one :)Brian(:

klaproos said...

in je dromen kan alles, en ben je waar je zijn wilt, da's een heerlijk gegeven hé,

christopher said...

I love thinking of you on your walks. I don't think I could keep up anymore if I ever could.