Saturday, March 11, 2023

Tree following project


It is the poplar  on the right of the erratic in the first photo, and the one on the left of the erratic in the second photo.

It is a trembling aspen. Populus tremuloides.

It is an old one, despite it 's size. It used to have a partner, but that one died many years ago, and i took it away. I have been sitting on this boulder, an erratic, many times for 25 years. This poplar has always been part of  me sitting there, a trusted companion if you like.

This morning 9 am to be exact i waded through knee deep snow to get to it, a month from now crocuses could be blooming beside it.

For myself i will make another post of the surrounding trees later.


Eileen T said...

I did this back in 2015. It was an interesting project and I keep meaning to do it again. Looking forward to seeing your monthly posts. xx

MFH said...

That is quite the erratic! Are there many others about?

Bless said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your tree over the next several months!

jozien said... my first about Ancient Lake Champagne, i live just below the beach, so yes on that beach there are several erratics. Thanks for asking Michael.
And yes Bless and Eileen for commenting, i look forward too to look at this tree more closely.

Hollis said...

Wow, impressive erratic. I read your post about Lake Champagne. That's so cool that you can sit on an erratic near the shore of a glacial lake, and near your house.