Friday, October 28, 2022

speaking my truth

 I guess that is what i am trying to do here.

It does not have to be your truth, but surely it might not be the truth of the masses, in my case.

Recently i was reading about mass formation. Back in the days of Harry Potter, i was kind of astonished how it seemed to me that we all loved Harry Potter. I found that exciting, but also kind of odd. I had been enjoying dancing in a big group when a teenager, but besides that i always feel i am not much interested in mass events. But there i was lining up for the first Harry Potter movie.

One person that talks about this mass formation is Mattias Desmet. He suggest that it is important in these 'odd' ( my word) times we all speak our truth. I have been feeling to do this for a years, ha! i am finally here. And he does suggest that the voice that is not inline with the mass, will get stronger due to the masses. I love it, because for a few months now i am meditating every day on compassion. In my case on the fact that we/everything all give and receive. We All exist that way, the impossibility of standing on our own, the paradox, that recognizing this for me, is that we/everything is unique in it's own way.

It is kind of cool to think of it that i am finally blogging again, because i feel that i was for a few years at odds with the covid-19 thing. As that is kind of subsiding, people do not discriminate me anymore for my choices. Now the topic seems to be climate change.

Tomorrow i will write about how i am at odds with this climate change hype. It is not that i deny climate change, it is quite different, Same as in the beginning of covid-19 I was put on a heap with  deniers of covid,  and later with anti-vaccers. I found it quite humorous that i was supposed to be just needing to be convinced of the Truth, that my stand was somehow ignorant, and I needed to be educated.  All signs of this mass formation i suppose.

When dancing with a big group of people, hmm what about the one that stands still? or too drunk, come to mind.


jozien said...

ha! time to delete and delete forever. I will leave the first comment up, because it does create conversation, which is part of my aim here, but will delete the 3 that follow, the of today 2 identical to the one before, now with a name. how sad, who or whatever puts up these comments.

MFH said...

What is the big deal?

For YEARS people resisted wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle. A few lucky recipients received organs while we paid to keep the brain-dead -- who had no insurance -- on life support.

Likewise with seatbelts, polio, measles, chicken pox. Some INSIST on their freedom to pee in the pool.

Does no one think of limiting the possibility they might infect someone by being a carrier?

Edmond and Kristen have been sick with it the past few 7.Dec.22.