Thursday, June 1, 2017

Using less, enjoying more

 Again, what i have tried to talk about before.

Yesterday i listened  to an you-tube video of an interview with Peter Wohlleben.
He talks about how trees communicate with eachother.  In the interview  someone asks, what can i do for the forest? And he clearly says something like " by using less natural resources".

Why is that so hard to say, or not being said very often?

Here this morning on the radio it is 'Climate Change' again, we apparently have our own Yukon example now, Kluane Lake.  No we don't need to dig out the lake to make it deeper ( it's for real, a yukon politician is suggesting this)  And  YES (to another politician), we need  government regulation and incentives. But i keep thinking

-We need to use LESS-

Not so simple.
Today and tomorrow i will drive the 100 km into town, with a jeep, that uses lots of gas.  After my Jetta broke down, we opted not to buy an even smaller car (more efficient), but I use the old Jeep, that we already own. Do i need to drive twice this week?

It is all those decisions

I think that is the essence.

Looking at what I do ( what resources I use) and look at the intention behind it. And keep it up till it becomes a habit....And i have found often my body will crave that new habit, in a good way.

Can I reach my goals in a simpler way, using less?
And actually get more out of it.

Often i do get more out of it.

Staying close to home for my walk

I found this
yellow anemones

They actually bloom close to my home. In the last few days I found two locations that i did not even know about.
This gives me great JOY:)

and do you see these horsetails beside it, they apparently make a nice meal, i did not try them yet.
spring horsetails
and i recently read a good rule for harvesting in the wild
take 1 leave 20

Collecting spruce tips at the moment i do not have to worry about that, there are millions around here.
I dry them for winter use
and use them sparingly in stir-fries
i will add one or two cooking rubarb

ha! Intention: to eat healthy, what grows right in my back yard, for free in a natural way,  and to think of  Peter Wohlleben, I am sure i keep the spruce trees happy. They love being nibbled on, i am sure.

1 comment:

Gohydrology said...

You're an inspiration Jozien. Less is more, more is less!