Tuesday, September 8, 2009

moonlit nights

summer nights
never get dark
here up in the north
now, the first week
of september
there was the moon
still lightning my path
i kept my eyes closed
bumped into things
i even tripped
over roots and rocks
i have to open them
it's hard work
to keep my eyes closed
i try just laying still
trying hard
solace in that
i feel your lips
touching mine
i hear your footsteps
you say, shhhhh,
just open up
your mouth
you slip some berries in
cool and round
sweet juice
life is too much joy
it's way easier
to just smile
these darkest nights
i know they are ahead
by the end of october
snow will be on the ground
lighting up the nights
i know i will be scared
without the sun, the moon, the snow
but all i have to do
is look up
at you, the stars
the stars
they are sooo bright
in the pitch black night


christopher said...

This one is really good, my friend. I was right there with you, slipping you the berry.

L. said...

Jozien...as always you capture my heart. What beautiful words. So much...the berries ...oh to remember these lines:

"life is too much joy
it's way easier
to just smile"

yes...I will smile with you and stumble in the darkness...