Thursday, May 18, 2023


 After a very long tentative spring we are suddenly blasted into summer.

Monday sitting in the garden I could see the trees getting green

And yes i have been swimming for 3 days now. 

yesterday with my friend Cindy

Cindy managed about 9 strokes in one dip. I dipped in more often but i think i only got to 7 strokes.

 Swimming for now is in the Takhini river. Monday i forded the river to an island, where i know there is a pool, the pool still had floating ice, so i just jumped in and out.

I have an interest in the Wim Hoff method, and Tuesday i managed four strokes while a kept breathing. Don and i drove  up mud road, which still had quite a bit of ice, to go to an island closer to the shore. so the fording was easier, and i did those four strokes in that stretch, and on the island i found a shallow pool where i could actually lay in and be quite comfortable.

Yesterday see photo, spectacular i say. plus Mergansers floating by


  1. Oh, my goodness, that water would have been so cold! I can't imagine even stepping into such cold water! Enjoy your summer!

  2. Cold water plunges seem to be the thing. Good for you for doing them. I can't imagine doing one myself.

  3. Yes it is quite the thing nowadays. I do not like cold showers, but a plunge in natural water i can highly recommend it:) (with caution and care of course). I have to say, i grew up along the north sea, so being in cold water was what we did from very early age. Through the new generation of cold water swimmers, i have learned to keep breathing while doing it:). I used to NOT go in when my ankles froze instantly, but now i can go in as i say with ice still floating around. I do not attempt to go in very long, for me the glory and benefits are already there when i just jump in and out. exhilarating i promise!
