Friday, May 26, 2023

blessed rain

 Yesterday we had the first drop of the year. And this morning while I was collecting wild greens for today's lunch, the sky turned dark and sure enough we had a bit of a shower, 5 minutes worth. So it normally is for the Yukon, in my experience,  But i will say the few previous summers we did have a bit of more rain.

Did i say i was planning on more gardening, I know now for me I will need a bit more rain to help me along, I am happy to water a bit, but not extensively.

I am trying to harvest more of the wild, then what  we can eat daily, but that is not happening yet. And today i have friends visiting for lunch  so i want to pick 6 cups of wild green instead of the normal two.

And an update here about the deleting; I  am  still distressed how much i put on the Internet over the years. And am  still slowly chugging away deleting what is not relevant anymore. How many months has it been now?

And about the chewing; Yes i am still chewing away, eating my food more mindfully. Impressed with myself on this front. And in this case not worried that I ate rushed for 60 plus years. Haha luckily i do not have to clean up my computer for what has been collected for 60 years, but just 20. I fear for young people.

One more thing, I am still reading Walden Pond. I can't believe how much i like that Thoreau, what did i read yesterday; About walking in the dark! Something i like too. He was suggesting, let your body walk you do not look with your eyes, when walking home through pitch black. 

And OMG that about that the government trying to protect us,  will hurt us more, he calls it molest :), then if we would just leave it be....

I am not very good as repeating his exact words. I would have to read the whole chapter again, I think it was 'The Village' chapter. And as i most often read in bed I do not underline things, so i would be able to find them and tell you properly.

Love you all, respect you for your ways. Thank you for reading this.


  1. The first spring rains are special, aren't they? I hope you were able to pick your six cups of wild greens. I've identified some edible weeds growing in my garden, but, so far, I haven't eaten much of it.

  2. I didn't realize that the Yukon had that little rain. I don't eat many wild greens, but was just discussing with my husband the other day all of the things we ate out of the yard when I was a kid.

  3. Thank you both, It is amazing how much is edible. I wonder what you both know to be edible in your garden. I do think everywhere on the world are roses, part of my mix is the leave buds of roses.

  4. And as i have many wild roses, i pick the canes i do not want, from the path etc. and then sit down to pick them clean of the still very young green.
