Friday, February 5, 2010

one eyed coyote

she's back!
my one-eyed-coyote
she was it
that stole the moon last week
she tricks me with her trickery
she's back!
she can take all that i have
make a fool of me
today i am very happy
because she came back to me
it's been at least a year
i forgot if her ear was always chapped
i forgot how long we've known her
recognizing her, looking at her eyes
she is looking very good today
chatting with the magpies
they probably knew
this is not a story with some deeper meaning
it's my old coyote
i thought her dead
she's very much alive indeed
i am overjoyed
my life will never be in order
life will take from me
i'll be a fool again
but here she is
she came back to me


  1. You are a blessed and beautiful woman.

    May coyote give you beautiful dreams.

  2. Hi Jozien
    Its good that your old friend has returned!
    When an old face appears in our lives. And paths cross again it will always lift our spirits :)Brian(:

  3. I agree with Christopher about you.

    And the coyote is beautiful as well.

    I like how you say "I'll be a fool again" I think maybe that is what I have been trying to say all day!

    Thank you for sharing Coyote with us.
