Thursday, July 9, 2009


As i am writing tonight, there is a thunderstorm outside.
Thunder here in the Yukon, starts a lot of forest fires.
Last night the sun turned all orange from the smoke in the air
We could smell the smoke, which they think was from a fire North-West from here, hundreds of kilometers away.
This morning the air had cleared again. And we had a beautiful sunny day.
It was hot, but i worked most of the day.
I meet with Sylvie in town, at the lovely Robert Service Campground (downtown).
We walk the millennium trail (down town)
and go for a swim in the Yukon river, still down town.
Ahhhh, i call it down town, but really it is all very much in Nature.The campground right by the river. The trail crossing and along the Yukon river. Beside birds you get to watch the kayakers playing in the white water. And looking right into town, Sylvie found a slow flowing channel to swim. And definitely warmer than the Takhini.

On the way home, the smoke builds up again, and makes for lovely views. At least two more mountain ranges visible with the naked eye. Normally our sky is clear, the mountains look two-dimensional. On a day like this we get to see some depth

And now... it's raining, lovely.


  1. beautiful!!! this clear sky with this great mountains!!!!
    but..., also recalling the fires of a few years ago; hope they aren't as bad as then...

  2. It is lovely, I live among the mountains as well. ;D
