Friday, July 10, 2009


"There is one more angel in heaven."
It's a song i am listening too, I don't know by whom, i don't know anything really.When i step outside, the air is heavy with the scent of Northern Bedstraw. I couldn't describe this scent, it's different, but i love it more than anything.
My yard is lined, overflowingly, with magenta. I don't know this color, all i know it's the color of fireweed. All i need, is right here.
Thank you Aria and thank you Strawberry girl, from Utah, your words on your blog's header inspired me. And thank you all who read my blog.
I don't know what's up with me, threatening my self to give up this writing. But somehow it's very soothing to just sit here and let the words come anyway, not worrying about making any sense. And don't you worry about me now, I am very much OK, very blessed :) to live in this sweet scented world of colors, birds tjirping, insects buzzing. When a deer would step out in the open right now, i would think i was in paradise.


  1. it already looks like paradise :-)


  2. Oooh no, don't give up on writing. A hiatus is okay but don't give up entirely. I find i a little busy at the moment to write but there is always winter to make up for it.

  3. Very good description of scents, colors, critters. Probably there are more people like me who come by, read your posts, don't comment. You are read and heard.

  4. i'm another one who comes by more often than i post. through you i can visit my former Yukon home vicariously. your blog is beautiful, and your outlook on life inspiring.

    i have bedstraw growing along the fence of my store yard; i agree. the delicious scent of it is like nothing else.

  5. Hi Jozien, I love the blog connection. You share a whole lot of colour from the yukon and yourself in it.
