Saturday, December 8, 2012

sun pillar

a sun pillar
it was you wasn't it?
i walk around my feet not touching the ground
it is very tiresome that way
my heart screams and i don't know if i laugh or cry


  1. wonderful image and sentiment

  2. Life can present so many burdens
    Each person has to carry them as best they can
    Please keep your head down when walking into a cold wind
    But always take a few moments to enjoy a sun pillar or a brilliant star
    A shadow like glimpse of a dark wolf in snow covered woods, or the call of a chickadee
    For they will lift your spirit and ground your thoughts
    Maybe it was me for I have been sending this energy out
    Somehow I thought it was lost but maybe it landfilled as a sun pillar

  3. Thank you Rob :)
    and for the other anonymous, i have asked here before and kindly ask again DO NOT LEAVE me messages like that, where i do not know who the anonymous speaker is,

  4. I think Anonymous mistyped and meant to say landfall- it makes more sense to me.


  5. Hi Brian, whatever my annoying anonymous, he did speak beautifully.

    And for you Rob and Brian, other kinds of anonymuses, i always think of how you do not know eachother, but i feel you have a lot in common.
    thank you both for comments

  6. After following your blog for a few months it seems some comments which may seem offensive to you are perhaps misunderstood.

    I enjoy your images and sentiments, particularly your thoughts about nature and those based mainly on emotion rather than reason.

    And many of the comments directed in response to yours are spoken beautifully. Together they are a resonant voice that speaks to me more strongly than a poetry book I am currently reading.

