Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Morgan le Fay

fata morgana, mirage

same mountains on different days

all i want to say actually is that i am upset with botany, first i found out this year that fireweed is not epilobium anymore, now you might think, what is your point, but now i find out that even asters that are asters are not asters.
we all know asters right?
you go check my wild flower blog if you want to know more.

and i know that it is me that is slightly obsessed with the name of a flower.
what is my reasoning? 
when i actually know something
a flower
a little detail of love


  1. I am so confused by life recently
    One night is the darkest night of the year
    Even though it is perfectly clear and the stars are out
    My dog pulls me along and somehow I recover and find my way home
    A few nights later the stars are brilliant
    They seem to be everywhere
    Even shining out through snow covered trees
    And I thought I saw light bending
    How could that be?
    Maybe ice is hidden among the branches

    Is a flower a small manifestation of love?
    I thought I knew what it was
    But its nature changed
    A small detail


  2. beautiful Sean...
    and i suppose i have to love you anonymous speakers, like stars, i don't know who you are or where or what, but i get to see your light, a not so small manifestation of love

  3. Is it really a mirage?

    My feelings change remarkably from one day to another
    Deep painful longing on an overcast day
    Lazy contentment the next
    Profound desire shrouded in the background
    A shadow which follows you in the sunlight
    But cryptically conceals itself when light is low
    Always there, part of your quotidian life
    Somehow true feelings are most apparent just before sleep
    Are light conditions most favourable then?

    Not to worry jozien, this is not about you.


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