Sunday, October 28, 2012


When i woke up this morning i remembered two dreams. I want to write them down, because i felt they were of a certain significance. And  yesterday i was talking  about dreams over the Internet with a special friend of mine, a shaman in French, Phoebe.

the one before waking up:
The dream was extremely vivid. I lived in this cabin with a group of loving friends, in front of the house there was a pond with swans. The swans were very large. The cabin was put togeher like some cabins here in the Yukon, put together with whatever comes along in different stages.
In some dreams i am in places that i have dreamed about before, this place was new. But in the the dream i had lived there for a long time, we talked and laughed about the long time ago fact , that this lovely place had actually come together from 23 dollars we had borrowed.
The dream was different in a way, because as the dreamer i was new to this place, but the person i was dreaming to be, which was also me, i knew the place. So there were all sorts of surprises, like finding old treasures one had forgotten about and things like, that i couldn't find things, that when i did find them, i knew that they had always been there, like where the spare key hangs.

the one before that:
I was climbing a mountain. I was with my brothers and sisters. The path was well worn, and only at the top it became very  steep and dangerous. One of us even slipped, but  he was able to stop his fall.
We had looked at this mountain from down below very often and knew it's look very well.
Now being on top i never looked at the view below.
We climbed down from the steep top and right underneath we came into a beautiful  cave like place, there was different coloured rocks to sit on and the walls and roof where consisting of small dense willow like trees (i would love to draw this place).

When i realized having had this dream i had a thought that maybe erroneously i had always valued the view from the top down more then the view from below looking up at the mountain.

So what i ask you, is what do you value more, looking at  a mountain or looking down from a mountain?


  1. :D

    I love it you shared your dreams. My Sunday post "My Latest Stress Point" on my blog is about being oddly placed on a mountaintop. You might be amused at how this is a little like your dream even while really different.

  2. look at a mountain and aspire to climb it....look down from a montain and reflect on the journey and climb to conquer it... descent is harder than ascent, keep in focus

    keep safe Jo

  3. The swans were very large and likely beautiful- your spiritual connection with nature?
    The cabin was put together with whatever comes along in different stages. The way you started out in Yukon? Many people started that way- young and open to things- learning and experiencing life.
    We talked and laughed about the long time ago, that this lovely place had actually come together from 23 dollars we had borrowed. Living in the moment without much- and people helping you out.
    Finding old treasures one had forgotten about and things like, that i couldn't find things, that when i did find them, i knew that they had always been there. Maybe a hint you can go back to a happier time, rediscover things you treasured and the way you experienced them is still possible- the way you were, the way it was and how you experienced it?

  4. "We climbed down from the steep top and right underneath we came into a beautiful cave like place, there was different coloured rocks to sit on and the walls and roof where consisting of small dense willow like trees."

    Meaning- If you explore new areas or look at commonplace things in a new way you may see things differently, potentially in a beautiful way. Maybe your dream is telling you to step back a little and use a childlike curiosity to view the world. If a person becomes too ridgid they miss a lot.

    Hope this helps


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  6. You were in my dream but I do not know you which seems odd.

    Could it be that my dream was about the future and we will meet when I am travelling?


  7. I dream of someone far too frequently and upon waking feel incredible sadness.

    It makes me feel like my life is unfullfilled because our friendship ended too abruptly. If we were friends and both wanted much more why could we not have grounded our desire in a confortable base of friendship. The snow covered mountain in front of us could have been scaled together when we were more prepared for a lifelong committmemt.

    And I womder if she dreams of me and if her dreams have more clarity then when we were emotionally involved. There was so much confusion, anger, and anxiety.

    This has severely damaged me. The loss of her friendship shadows my life. When she left the room it often felt like the the lights went out and my sense of joy has long since vanished. And now she somehow communicates with me in my dreams. Who can save me fron this dark existance.

    Do you understand what my dreams are telling me? What is the significance of the last person you think of before falling asleep? And what is the significance of the person who causes so much pain when they appear in you dreams.

    Please tell me if you understand.

  8. I really loved reading the previous post and have been wondering how you may respond to it.

