Saturday, August 4, 2012

takhini saltflats

Artesian wells bubble underneath the salt flats, infusing the area with minerals such as sodium sulfates. (copied from

Walking around there yesterday, we noticed some peculiar rocks,  looking like lava rock. Some rounded, fist sized, boulders. And  lots of small piece of crust like rocks of the same looking material. In those crusty, rockhard pieces, we saw sparkles ( what do you call that again?) like as in granite.

Do artesian wells make such rocks, or bring them to the surface. Or is an artesian well a volcanic vent? To me it all was reminiscent of an old volcano crater.....


  1. Hi Jozien,
    Exactly where are the salt flats? I don't know if I remember. Great photo. Wish I could have been there exploring with you. Pat and I visited cool salt flats in Wood Buffalo National Park. I've still got pictures somewhere.

    Enjoy summer!

  2. Hi Jozien. I tried to email you that information you asked me for, but the email bounced back. I must have written down the address incorrectly. Can you please call me and give me the address again? I'll also post what I found out on the Yukon Energy blog. Thanks.

