Saturday, March 6, 2010

Team Yukon

Today we are bringing Alexander to the airport. He is going to compete in the Arctic Winter Games in Grand Prairie, Alberta.
If you are interested, here is the website

And these photos have nothing to do with that, and really they have more to do with the initial intention of this blog.
Remember, i posted a photo a while back of three bison skulls, well the wolfs dragged them away. Don found one shortly after they were taken, some 100 metres into the woods.
Yesterday i went searching for the other two. There are lots of wolf tracks to follow right around the place were we had them. On the edge of the woods, right by the yard.
We never see or hear wolfs! But there you go and they probably are very aware of us.
It didn't take me long to find the second one. It is amazing to me that they did take them as far as they did, there are just prints in the snow leading to the spot, no sign at all of dragging. and a bison skull is no small thing. But looking at the other sign left behind, a wolf is no small animal.
When you look at the skull you might be able to see, that the wolfs seem the eat the bone right around the nose.

The Yukon Game Branch, would like to see wolfs hunting Bison. The Bison here are an introduced species, and the herd is growing rather fast. I'll try to find a link for that, if you are interested. http://
(not the most recent site, but most informative of what i clould find. If anyone out there knows a better site, i would very much appriciate it)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting.

    One of my favorite memories is of the wolves howling near my camp on the Takhini River. They reminded me of mischievous teenagers who came, as the sun set around 2 a.m., to wake me with their noise

    The first night sent shivers. The second night was, "Wolves, how cool!" The 3rd night was, "Dammit, I'm trying to sleep!" They didn't return again, but I've since realized how fortunate I was to be serenaded. (you might enjoy: A Wolf Called Romeo by Nick Jans)

    Have you heard them?
