Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The softest finest wet snow falling, like mist on my skin.
Waking up feeling his warm skin.
My son coming home very happy.
The kids in my care, the smiles on their faces, the spark in their eyes.
Skiing down with them on the perfect slope, just letting go, flying... Okay lets go there. I was writing down here some of the 'golden buddhas' i was blessed enough to have found on my path since yesterday.
So this perfect slope, when you are a cross country skier you know it, the feeling of flying and all you have to do is relaxing your self staying in the tracks. There's the trill of speed, of the possibility of falling out. The trees zooming by, the wind in your face. And because of the track and your skill, you know you are safe!
I know for me life is like that. And yes, we did have to climb the hill on the other end, no one complained, and i tell you it wasn't an easy climb, we all found our way up.


  1. what i'd give for soft snowflakes in my face...

  2. Hi Shadow, how you write it sounds like a poem, beautiful like all your work. did you read Annie's poem about it? It's quite lovely.
