Saturday, February 27, 2010

Gray Jays

Don says yesterday he saw a group of Gray jays chasing each other. Today they are building nests.
At least that is what i assume, as you see (when you can, because the photo didn't turn out very good, for that matter) a gray Jay is carrying fireweed fluff and flying of with it accompanied by a partner.

I read here in the big book, Birds of the Yukon Territory, that Gray Jays are among the earliest to nest in spring. Nest building has been reported from 25 February to April 28.
There you go they are right on schedule. I have to say they picked a very beautiful spring like day, above zero Celsius all day.
Spring! we have had such nice weather all February, but i am a little scared to call it spring, because even in March we can easily have 20 below temperatures.

I am reading on here, Gray Jays have been sighted sitting on the nest as early as March 24, i am going to keep an eye on them.

Okay now i am reading up on all my birds that visit my yard (by the way i did stop feeding them, there is the compost pile, berry bushes and many flower seedheads, i did not know why i should feed them commercial food.)

Anyway the Ravens will be next to build their nests, starting according to observation written in the book, on March 14 and they could also sit on the nest March 24.

As i am not out and about as often i used to, the least i can do is keep track of what is happening close by.

And for that matter, the chickadees a few days back where still chattering in a group, when they start nesting, they will spread out; "as spring advances these flocks disperse" it doesn't say when, so maybe i can make a contribution here and observe them closely. It does say here, nest building doesn't start till May.

That is still far away. Really we could still get a lot of ....... before it is truly spring :)


  1. Hi Jozien
    Its amazing how these Birds just go about their business.And know when the seasons are changing long before we do. Nature is a wonderful thing.Take care keeper of wild places :)Brian(:

  2. Good job. I like this post. I got some new info and I can see the bird in the photo. I thought the photo looked like that because of the hazy cold weather. We actually have sun here today.
