Wednesday, February 24, 2010

frozen bubbles

hmmmm i am sooo tired, i worked today, regular work and for my art show :) I am laughing all the way. It's like blogging, you can have so much fun in life, exposing yourself a bit. well you all know that:)
Anyway after work i drove all the way out to Haines Junction, to see Bonnie. She made those beautiful photos at the creek.
There's many more, i am too tired to choose, so here are 4

living in a bubble
when you let them freeze
you can stay elated
for at least a week


  1. How cool is that?? Frozen Bubbles...

    Single digits here today again, and cold north winds.


    Congrats on the art show.

  2. Yes, i am quite bubbly too, Bryan and Vicky :)
    Akannie i will visit your blog again, this morning, i am a little scattered, so many bubbles, and don't know if i said thank you to you before. And about spring, we could still get winter here, but the weather has been incredibly mild, i cross my fingers and send some warm winds down south:)

  3. These are great pictures, they look like diamonds. You made a good choice in the pictures. Your poem is perfect with the photos too. For me, I have started keeping myself on an even keel, no really highs and also no lows. Not feeling numb, but just staying within a normal (for me) zone. Keep up the good work getting ready for your show.
