Saturday, February 20, 2010

drip, drip, drip.

The snow is melting of the roof, i sit on the porch and listen to the drip and the chickadees, i saunter in the yard and truly i am very content.

Up-side down icicles.

I actually was painting my art on the porch, well now that is a wonderful thing to do for me. Since starting to paint i have wondered about that, because really i am not one for staying indoor much. When i just started painting, i had to have everything just so, to be able to do it. I couldn't really have done it outside, without having everything set up just so. Today i just took whatever i needed that moment, easy as pie.

So i will have my exposition this Tuesday. I am pretty proud of myself. And you might wonder how come she is trying to sell her art and not even being that good :)
Well i have to thank my dad for that trait. He was very intelligent and handsome to back up his confidence in stepping out. As a child i didn't know he was intelligent or handsome, but i did admire his outgoingness, never afraid to show himself. Being able to communicate with anyone and being well loved for it. So here i am, without the good looks etc., outgoing nevertheless. Isn't that great:)

I also throw words around that i barely know. -to saunter- (did you notice?) i just learned that this morning, from TUT, messages from the Universe that i get over the Internet.
(i'll try to make a link, because they are quite neat)
Anyway i wanted to use that word right away, because
I LOVE TO SAUNTER. well you know that.


  1. My favourite time of year SPRING is close at hand, heading out to the cabin soon for a few days, last trip of the Winter for the Scandic.

  2. Hi Steve, i think i have seen you around, here or elsewhere. But now i thought i look for your blog, don't you have one or?
    And i do love every season, but really spring; snow, sun and around zero temperatures, nothing can beat that. have fun at the cabin!

  3. Yeah no Blog Jozien nothing interesting to talk about, all I do is work. Oh yes and check out the happy trappers blog.

  4. ice is melting .... spring is coming!!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck with your exposition!!

  5. How many pieces are you taking to your exposition? This is exciting, yes? You won't be sauntering that day!

  6. All the pieces that i still have, i will count them when i hang them up this week. Yes :) it is very exciting, thanks
