Friday, January 1, 2010


you read something, a post or a book, that you really like, but sometimes i read something that, stirs in me, a wish; that i could write like that. Rachel you did that just now (the waxing moon). And i am reading a book by Karen Conolly.
How i wish.
But all i can do is just write like me :)

Today Don and i went skidoing. Now what kind of opening line is that? But then the trail was first very rough too, there really is not enough snow here. I am bounced around badly. I do wear all the right gear. But what is the right gear? Today i wear a fancy Yamaha face mask under my scarf, toque and hood. I find soon that it just becomes very snotty, underneath. And eventually my left cheek gets very cold with that trapped moisture. My right hand gets cold from holding the throttle. I am wearing, fleece gloves, army liners and bison mittens. And my right foot gets cold.

On our way back, i know at one point; from now on it's just surviving, knowing i will be home in a half hour. I hunker into myself as good as i can, while moving the specific body parts, that are on the verge of freezing up. I don't enjoy the scenery anymore, just focusing on staying warm and getting home. Which still is somehow enjoyable, haha, how you wonder. See writing is so hard, how do i explain? But maybe you know the feeling. The skidoo is kind of carrying me, as when as a child i fell asleep during an event and my dad lifts me up and carries me home, I am sooo tired, but i know soon my dad will put me in my own bed, in the meanwhile i am safe in his arms....

Beside all that, we have a very good adventure, following the winding Mendenhall river, which brings you nowhere really, as it loops back onto it self a thousand times.
But the sliding through this open tunnel of snow is dreamlike.
Don likes to get onto the meadows on the other side, but there are no tracks set yet by anyone. I know of a way, but he doesn't ask me :)
We find a beautiful levee, that we explore a bit by walking. It's compared to most levees beside the river, very open, with beautiful big and very tall spruce trees.
We do find a passage for the skidoos, but end up in a meadow surrounded by thick willow. But it's good enough, what do they say? (which i never like actually) It's the journey that counts, not the destination. Well you know i am getting cold, so i am happy with this journey without destination. Happy to turn back.
My cheeks still glow. (or is that the shimmering body gel, i got for Christmas)


  1. You're a pioneer woman! You describe the cold I wouldn't like at all. You make it sound like it would be hard to find enough to wear, enough to stay warm.

    I like what you write. Still, I bet you write in Dutch better than English.

  2. Well, a happy new year to you, and blessings and peace for the new decade!

  3. I know what you mean, reading something someone else writes and it is so darn good, really good writing, and there is a something deep down in your gut that wants to be able to write like that but is too fearful and can't believe you can do it and it is easier to read other peoples writing and not even try. But you do try and you are always improving and you can do it.YOU.

  4. And, Jozien, I come here so often, and wish I could write like you -- and live like you :)You so often have a freedom with they are small birds flying out from you....

  5. I hope you are warm now, Jozien!

    I got cold today, very cold, so cold I needed a hot bath. I'm warm now. :0) yesterday, the kids got frozen feet. They had forgotten to dry out their boot liners, so they were wearing popsicles on their feet. When we got home, I discovered a sock, soaked and frozen, wedged into the toe of my daughter's boot. She hadn't even noticed it!

    The warmer weather is coming back, they say, over the next few days. That will sure be nice. Adventuring is so much more fun when you're not fighting the cold.

  6. No kidding about the river winding a thousand times! I get dizzy on it, haha. The other day I went off into one of those meadows and came back on the river and thought, ok, I'm back! But it was a part of the river I hadn't even been on yet, and I've been about 10km downriver before. I don't know where this spot goes! But it's fun eh!?? Happy WARM snowmobiling! :)

  7. Thank you so much for all your comments!!! :)

  8. When it comes to writing, I feel the same way. There are so, so many good writers out there. But I guess it's kind of like the wild, unpredictable place where we live. It's not always organized, like white picket-fenced-in suburbia, but it's real. So with that in mind, keep on writing!
